Friday, January 31, 2003

EEK!!! when I decided to have a blog I promissed myself I would update daily... IT'S BEEN TWO DAYS!!! Oh well...I'm here now, and I promise I will Blog at least twice a week.

I was suposed to see chicago yesterday... never got too... I really want to see it... I keep hearing such good things about it!

I'm thinking of starting a website... sorta like a giant blog... it'll be made up of random thoughts and rants... I'll keep this blog for day to day stuff and probably have them linked... yes, yes... I know... so far I haven't been very insane... and I still haven't finished even fixing this thing up, and here I am taking on another project... but hey! it'll work... I hope

Wednesday, January 29, 2003


I finally got the tag board to move into the right place!!! GO ME!!!

It's pretty sad... the only html I actually know is stuff I learnt when I used to frequent message boards... you know, text, colours... that stuff... and here I am... stupid lil' Ally, trying to rearange her page... oh well... it worked... took me an hour to move two things and make one wider... but it worked!!!

yes... so anyways on the topic of my exam... I never did get around to doing more than flip through the book, but that's ok... the exam was really easy... my math exam I'm worried about tho, hardly anyone actually finished and those of us who did didn't get a chance to look it over and we rushed... oh well... I don't think there's ever been a math test where I haven't made a stupid mistake so this'll be nothing new...

on a brighter note... I had the whole afternoon off... YAY!!! and would actually be doing something now if I hadn't decided to be my lazy self...

well... hopefully I'll update soon...
off to Em's,
I'll be on again later to do some updating and editing... I really should get the tag board out of the post section and onto the sidebar/description area... and I need to make that wider... oh well... I'm much to lazy.. heeheehee, lazy ally... I really do promise that as soon as the whole thing is edited and working I'll let you into the insanity... but right now working on the site is making it sound more like profanity than anything else...

I'll update later, gotta go take a shower and get to my best friend's house before she rips my head off... I donno 'bout you but I'm kinda attached to it...

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Well, it's finally up and running... of course it's also 11:15 pm and I have an exam tomorrow... which being me, I STILL haven't studied for... Oh well... at the moment i'm tired and sick and will think of evil teachers and their evil torture devices (aka. exams) in the morrow... when, I will most likely end up waking up late and not getting a chance to study... *sigh* that's the story of my life... then again... it is my fault seeing as how I had the entire day off today... but really don't most people have better things to do that studying?

well g'night,
from the grumpy and somewhat pessimistic sounding,
Test run...