Tuesday, September 21, 2004

... long time no blog...

wow... it's been quite a while... six whole months... well ok, minus a week if I want to be exact...

... yeah, so... I honnestly don't even know where to start... sooo much has happened... yet nothing has changed... ... ... where to start... let's see... I survived grade 10... did amazingly on the exams I didn't study for and not so well on those I did study for - lesson learnt there: don't study, go out and play. ... Recital was awesome... I danced well... did crapily at the rehersals though...
...I was off in Greece and Italy for a month, which was just awesome... met lot's of people... desprately missed dance and trapeze= started to go insane... I have no Idea how I survived going to bed between 1 & 2:30 every night and waking up at 6:30 every morning... I do know, however, that I don't think I'll ever be able to do it again... NOTE: Baklava and Gelato are so not healthy for you... Especially if you're having it Twice a day... but damn, it just tastes Sooooo good!!! classes on the beach we're amazing, the scenery and ruins were surreal and breathtaking & the people were great... all in all it was a very fun experience...
... eventually though, I got home... and it felt like I never left Italy... it was off the plane, and straight to my grandmother's house - where all my Italian relatives were speaking Italian and eating Italian food... it was just a little unnerving...
... I got a nice week at home before Marc came up from Florida... damn you for leaving us Marc, We Miss You!!! Spending the week with Marc and Em and Jess and never seeing my house was Crazy-Fun but it went by wayyy too fast... the zoo-walking downtown-shopping for "Canadian stuff"-bubble tea & Smothies!!! DAMMIT MARC! Get back up here!!! lol
... After sending Marc back to Florida in time for the Hurricane, My mom and I were off to Boston and Cape Cod... can we say Shopping Spree?!?!... anyways... Cheers has amazing burgers and Boston is an amazing city... Havard's pretty cool... I think I might like to go there... sooo much desert though... and seafood... I love seafood... but... it was just... wow... Cape Cod was pretty cool, Martha's Vinyard and Nantucket... and the History of the entire area.... oooh... and Province Town... p-town was cool... they had some of the best t-shirt slogans there... Salem was awsome too... ... I ended up missing the Unique performance again this year... and by one planeflight too... argh!...
... The next thing on my summer list was four days straight of inclass driving lessons... not exactly my idea of fun... but they were actually a lot better than I expected, and the people were pretty cool... walking the 2 miles to get there and the 2 miles home also helped me fit back into my pants... honestly... I got home this summer and coouldn't fit into my pants... which everyone seemed to find absolutely hysterical (ok, fine so it was a lil' funny :P)... and my mother... you know what she said??? "Don't worry Ally, you get fatter every summer!"... in a happy, peppy bright voice too!!!... lol... I couldn't tell whether she was trying to cheer me up, or just trying not to jump up and down gleefully!... anyways... I now fit back into my clothes... with no thanks to all the laughing people :P - yes you know that's directed at you...
... anyways... I got a brake between the driving and "real" school with a one day trip up to the cottage... I mean, really... who goes to the cottage for ONE day??? ... well, appart from me. Anyways... it was awesome 'cause all of the familly was up there and we had four tubes behind the boat... the water was really rough though... and I must have fallen out atleast 10 times in the 4 hours we were out there... 10, compared to last years 1!... I had sooo much trouble getting back into the tube too... I hadn't realised just how weak I'd gotten w/out either Dance or Flying to keep me in shape... anyways It was lot's o fun, and I persuaded Matt to make me a bonfire again this year - mmmmmmm burnt marshmallows... they always taste best that way!!!... I just don't understand the people who ge me to make them golden brown.
... so yeah... I think that pretty much sums up my summer...

OMG!!! Queens!!! how could I have forgotten Queens... that was in May though, but still! it was Absolutely Awesome!!! We totally need to find a way to do it again this year!!! ... there are enough of us! we should totally just get our own bus!!! lol...

... so yeah... now... it's Gr11... crud, I'm starting to feel old... it's soo weird to be a senior... it just doesn't feel right... anyways... this year's schedule is Day 1: Physics w/Winfield, Hist-16th cent w/Dick, Drama w/Bignell & English w/Billinghurst, Day 2: Bio w/Rooney, French w/Kachur, Chem w/Russell & Math w/ Moliotsias... so yeah... I'm pretty happy w/ my teachers... the first actual day of school was awesome too... Mrs. Mo and Mrs. B arranged an all day - never-have-to-see-the-school, field trip downtown to see Hamlet- which was actually pretty good, and lot's and lot's of fun... gotta love great teachers... they were awesome to have at Queens too...

...anyways... it's been pretty good... I'm soooo glad to have started dance again!!! I was honnestly going insane without it... I don't know how I'd survive if I couldn't do it... I missed everyone over the summer too ... you guys are awesome!!! and I hate that this is the "beggining of the end" (Shannon's quote) ... it won't be the same without you!!!... we totally have to savour this year... and soo many ppl have left already ...On a brighter note... this year's ballet is awesome... if a little painful... (that adoge was killer... I soo cannot hold my leg in the air for 5mins...) ... Jazz is amazing!!!... I love the exam work... hopefully we'll be ready... It feels soo wierd to only have four classes, I really hope we get lyrical as well... I'm actually really surprised that my body's still alive... My knee's are killing me now though... oddly enough that didn't start until after I'd seen the orthopedic specialist this afternoon... ugh, somedays I just don't understand my body ...onto another thing I've missed immensly - Flying!!! I went down to the open friday last week and I was sooo happy to be back up there! I'm gonna start classes every wednesday and I just can't wait... I'd really love to learn arial, but the only level one classes they have also include acrobatics, and while I'd love to learn I'm not sure how my body would take it...

The Lovably-Insane... or, as was written on my Classical Civ report card: the "Burdensomely Inquisitive",

Sunday, March 28, 2004

... "Yay" With The Non-Postage...

Uh... yeah... so... I haven't blogged in a while... um... funny... lot's has happened... I just can't be bothered to blog... in any case Happy very belated b-day to 'Livia... happy also belated b-day to my cousin Sarah-Beth... another happy belated B-day... this one to Sam... and last but not least... Happy Belated Birthday to... ALLY!!!...yay!!!... talk about frightening... I am now legally allowed to drive... me! - who can't see over the dashboard... ah well... funfun... the G1 test was absolutely and ridiculously easy... pathetically so...

... In other news, my skiing has improved drastically... I am now capable of skiing double black diamond glades in the Canadian Rockies... woohoo! go me!!!... my cousins and I skied them all week... I do not, however, even pretend to look good while skiing them... but hey... at least I can do them decently enough... *sigh*... what to say, what to say... my march break was awesome... I don't know how it couldn't be seeing as how my b-day pressie was a week long ski trip with my twin cousins to Panorama... *shakes head*... the skiing was sooo great... even if the locals found it a bit icy... meh... I hate powder anyways... though I have to admit... skiing Taynton Bowl (the powder bowl at Panorama) was fun...

... I don't think that there's much else to say... oh, wait... I got a Commended (70-80%) on my gr4 Jazz exam... yay... go me... I would have much preferred something higher... but seeing as how I had a sinus infection, an ear infection and absolutely no sense of balance - as in I actually fell over at one point and had a hell of a time turning... I'm very surprised that I even did that well... I personally thought I danced horribly... compared to how I usually dance anyways... and that I deserved a much lower mark... meh... whatever... the old CDTA Elementary jazz syllabus that we're doing now is deadly... extremely fun... but deadly all the same...

... Oh, yes... I know what else I forgot to mention... the Sunday I got back, Em tried to throw me a surprise party... I say tried because I've known about it almost as long as she has... well not known... suspected... but not really... just sort of... oh I don't think I can explain it... meh... anyways... as much as I hate birthday parties, or any party thrown in my honour, I had fun... I much prefer hosting the party... so long as it's not at my house... anyhow... in some ways it still turned out to be a surprise... Kimmerz was there, YAY!!!... that was a totally unexpected and delightful surprise...
yeah so... as far as big things in Ally's life go... I think the blog is pretty much up to date...

Thursday, February 12, 2004


Its CreationDay was on Jan 28 for anyone who cares... anyways... sry it's been so long... but life does get in the way... anyways... Happy Valentines day to all... also, a Happy B-day today to my sis, Camille and my cousin, Joseph... and a Happy belated B-day (feb 2nd) to my lil' sis' Kat... and a Happy early B-day to Em on the 14th... there okay... I think that's all of them for now...

Tuesday, January 20, 2004


*sigh*... I'm still weak from laughing so hard last period... omg! I never thought english could be that funny... my class has officially managed to make Macbeth into a comedy... I spent atleast half of the period laughing so hard I was crying... *shakes head*... somedays I wonder how Ms. Mo puts up with us... then again she was in hysterics too... *sigh*... I'd explain the story better but my entire body is exhausted from lauging so hard... anyways in other news, I got new pointe shoes *YAY!!!* all pretty and pink and CLEAN... hard too... gotta love breaking in new pointe shoes *sarcasm oozes out*... yupyup... and guess what starts on friday... EXAMS!!! oh yay!!!... on the bright side I get over half of next week off...

The Laughingly Exhausted,

Friday, January 09, 2004


*jumps around giggling and dancing*... it hasn't stopped snowing since I got home on sunday evening... and it's so gorgeous outside!!!... unfortunately it's also friggen' freezing... doesn't stop me from playing/walking around out there though *grin*... ... *sigh*... I feel like such a freak... after being out every night while I was in the Dom. Rep. I'm currently sitting at home at 10:30 on a friday night with nothing to do... *pouts*... Em's at Joey's... and it's too late to go across the street... I have no idea what anyone else is doing... tho I'm sure it has something to do with going to the movies... in which case, I'm not missing much... doesn't really matter anyways 'cause I couldn't stay out late... gotta be at the studio for 9 tomorrow... but still... it just feels weird after a week of partying...
... I had a great time on my trip by the way... funfunfun... getting out of bed at 8:30 (which for me is sleeping in...)... going down to the beach at around 9-9:30... lounging/tanning and reading with drink/food/walk-along-the-beach/shopping/play-in-the-waves brakes every so often 'til 'round 1-ish when my mom and I would search each other out and have some lunch... then it was back to the beach for some more tanning/reading... 'til a friend came along and we ended up back in the ocean or in the sand... then at around 3 I'd head over to the pool area for the "club dance" which was a silly little macareana (sp?) type thing that was just plain fun!... after that I'd go up to my room to change into shorts and a tank top so that I could fly (trapeze) 'til six... speaking of which, I caught 3 more layouts while I was there... woohoo go me!!!... after the trapeze closed I'd head back up to the room for a quick shower and change and to meet up with my mom... then it was down to the lounges/games room until around 8:30 when we'd go to the main buffet restaurant for dinner... I swear they had the best food I've ever had at a hotel or buffet anywhere... after some tea and desert I'd head to the theater to watch the preshow games and the show... I won a bottle of rum in one of the pre-show games *giggles*... then after the show me and some of the girls that I made friends with from Montreal would head down to the disco for some "dancy dancy" and in some cases some "drinky drinky" (I swear that's how the animation team (hotel social convener people) talked... *sniffsniff* I miss those guys... and the trapeze guys too... and the girls... )... I'd head up to bed at around 12:15-12:30-ish for some sleep... then wake up, and do it all again the next day... yupyup *sigh*... that's the life... I'd die to go back... it was so nice and relaxing...

well... I hope I've got you drooling... it would certainly make me feel better 'bout staying home on a friday night...
tata for now,
the ever so kind and caring,