p.s.... since I'm already on and have absolutely nothing else to do... I should probably do that update I had planned... especially since we all know how often I get on here *grins*
Well, let's see... The recital was amazing... I had loads of fun and managed not to screw up too badly in anything... it was pretty crazy though since we had two shows again and I had six numbers in each... Evan, Emily, Gillian, Kaitlyn, Alan, Nick and Julianne as well as all of the family came to watch since it was my last show, and they all seemed to enjoy themselves... so yeah... I still haven't seen the video but I'm told it was pretty good. Em's slideshow for the 10th anniversary was
AMAZING and everyone loved it... it was kinda scary though to see pictures of us together when we were that small... oooh!!! and it was really funny, 'cause everyone was mad 'cause they wanted me to go to music banquet... but I couldn't 'cause I had rehersal that night... and then we were talking about who they had gotten to DJ and they were saying that they couldn't get Alex 'cause he was busy... at which point I cracked up... 'cause, you see... Alex does the sound for our dance shows *grins*... I told them it served them right for putting Music banquet on a night I couldn't attend :P...
Then came formal... well.. actually... no... first came football playoffs which nearly all of us missed... (mainly 'cause we were all at my house setting up for the after party *looks sweet and innocent*.... well... at my grandmother's first and then at my place... 'cause the inspector was checking out our house for the people who are buying it... and we couldn't exactly let on that there was gonna be a huge party!!!) ...
whoops... that's okay, we still came in fourth... yup...
then came formal... which was soooo amazing!!! we all met up at Kav's first and had crazy amounts of fun taking pictures around the pool before 4 stretch limmo's full of us... that's right FOUR!.... took us over to fantasy farm where we proceded to have the time of our lives. ... it was sooo great and sooo much fun!!! everybody looked gorgeous - yes, that's right, even the guys :P - and we all had an insanely awesome time dancing and hanging around... even the teachers!... After that, the four limmo's full of people plus more who drove headed over to my house for what shall from now on be known as the never-ending party!!!!
... From what people tell me, it was an insanely-awesomely-crazily-amazing party... mostly I remeber not sleeping and cleaning up endless amounts of cups... and dancing and eating and just having a pretty damn good time!!! It was actually pretty amazing... and I warned the neighbours beforehand so we didn't have any problems there... although the police did show up around five in the morning for a noise complaint... because the
sobber people were outside playing
frisbee on the street!!! - honnestly, I'm not even kidding!!! I swear the cops must of thought we were nuts.... they were like "uh... could you wait to play frisbee until a more decent hour"... I can't lie, it was pretty funny :D!!!
OMG!! it was insane!!! not only did the party last alll night, but we went all the next day too!!! Basically we had a never ending BBQ/Buffet of food, talked, hung out, drank more, played football and frisbee at the park(- and, oddly enough, as soon as we started playing, some cops pulled in the parking lot *shifty eyes*) ...climbed monkey bars, swang on swings and generally acted like the little kids we still are *grins*. It was great!!! and then after all of that, and on almost 48hours of no sleep, pretty much everyone helped clean up!!! which was pretty much a party in itself!!! By the time we finished it was 10 on friday night (yeah, my school's weird, prom was on a thursday *shrug*) and the only eveidence that there had been a party was the 12 garbage bags in my garage!.
... so yeah... it was pretty crazy... and OMG!!! my prom dress was sooo gorgeous! I had actually picked it up in oxford last summer for 65 pounds! it's like this purpley-pinkish-blue colour that shifts depending on the light like raw silk! and my hair was sooo amazing!! I made Langan help me take it out after the party and there were 122 pins. 1-2-2!!!!! ...
... *sigh* it was amazing though and I totally wish we could do it again!!! Even if it did mean I was dead tired when I showed up at the studio for work on Saturday morning *grins* ... OOOOHH!!! SIDE NOTE: Miss Kim had a baby boy two weeks ago!!! I still haven't seen him but *jumps up and down excitedly*!!!
... after that... things pretty much went back to normal... school resumed for a week before exams... we had athletic banquet where the gifties definately swept the awards ... CONGRATULATIONS ZHENG, ADRIAN AND HEYMIAN!!!! and Angel and everyone else who won!!! but yeah... I swear our year's insane, you'd think that being gifted would mean being bad at sports... *shakes head* that's probably the biggest misconception ever... not only are they all bloody brilliant, they're all insanely good at sports as well!!!
Exams were fun - as always... yes, I know, I'm weird :P... and I did fairly well on all of them... could've done better on bio but *shrug*... I still say that that one question was impossible to answer since logically once you said that one of the statements was incorrect the other was as well :P!!!! *wrinkles nose*... anyhow... I got my 90's... well, all but one... although algeo and calc were definately thanks to Mr Chan and Mr Mo's help... but yeah... calc was still an 88... which meant I had to wait until 2 days ago to find out - that I GOT IN!!! WOOOHOOO!!! Oxford, here I come!!! *jumps up and down excitedly*.... the only bad part is that now I wont get to ski in the rockies next winter *pouts*!!!! Ah, well, I guess you can't have it all...
anyhow... so school ended and summer began... with me showing up to school everday for a week... *shakes head*... it was funny really... it's like I'm never going to be able to leave Woburn... but no, I had an SAC luncheon one day, and I had to go check all my marks and collect them for Oxford... which resulted in some pretty funny scenes... like me playing stones with Mr. Breadner in his office on one of the days... *shakes head* ...only me...
... Then, my summer started in earnest... and in typical me fashion, I headed out of the country! - this time, to the Global Yound Leader's Conference in Washington DC and NYC for two weeks... and it was INCREDIBLE!!! there were 364 of us from over 40 different countries!!! it was sooo amazing, I met sooo many great people from all over the world!!! It's insane what some people have done - sat in on autopsies and surgery, hiked mount kilimunjaro, done safaris, gone camping in the wilds of who-knows where, really been to and lived in crazily exotic places and seen things I've never seen... and I am thoroughly jelous!!! We all just clicked so well and so fast!!! I'm going to miss my fellow GYLC-ers sooo much!! and we KNOW we have to have reunions right!!! and alternate hosting them!!! I can't even begin to describe the experience... it's truly the people you meet that make the conference worth while!!! and now, I know that whenever I travel, I'll always have a place to stay :)!
... so yeah... that pretty much brings us to the present... and to the never-before-seen circumstances of Ally having absolutely nothing to do!!!... well, okay... that's not entirely true... I
still need to get my full G... and we've started up a senoir dance class at the studio every wednesday night - which is awesome 'cause almost everyone has come back for it!!! and I mean everyone, some of the girls left 3-5 yrs ago!!! It's soooo much fun and I can't wait to start up again!!! - even if I did get fat again from eaing so much food these past two weeks :P... and I'm gonna start doing circus lesson again on Saturdays... only now I'm doing arial and acro - which is really exciting 'cause I haven't done them before... but yeah... other than that... and reading... and joining Em's D&D campaign (what?!?!?! I haven't played in years... 'sides, I'm gifted, I'm entitled to a little nerdiness every once in a while ;P!)... I have absolutely nothing to do.... part of me wants to get a job... but maybe... just maybe... I should relax for once in my life ;)...
As always, with love from the ever-insane,