*grins* nothing's actually wrong, I just like using expressions as titles :P... What?!?! *looks innocent* It's more attention grabbing... or will be until I overuse them...
Anyhow... I promised that I would blog sometime before I headed off to Merry-Old-England... *crinkles forehead in consternation (Oooh, big word! Big word!)* why is it that you always hear it referred to as either Merry-old-England or Dreary-old-England??? I mean, really, isn't that a little confusing??? Which is it??? Merry or dreary??? It has to be one or the other, it can't exactly be both... unless... the merry one is really meant sarcastically *nods intelligently*... but I don't think so... can you really see what was once the largest colonial power in the world allowing people to treat it saucily???
But I digress. I figured that with everyone else gallivanting off to uni (or, in Em's case, gallivanting in Japan :P) now would be as good a time as ever to update. Especially since my brain seems to tend even more toward insanity during periods of excessive inactivity (one needs only to look to the paragraph above this one for proof!) ... hmmm, perhaps it's because my inactivity prevents the insanity from flowing out of outlets it would normally otherwise flow out of and, so, it is forced to remain inside my head like a stagnant pool of water (except, of course, it is not entirely stagnant since the insanity never stops coming inward) in which my brain is slowly marinated until it becomes complete and utter mush! And do you know what the worst part is???? I have only actually been inactive for a week!!!! Not even!!! and I'm already at this stage!!!!!! *takes a deep and gasping breath and looks as though she is about to continue on until...* ... ewwww... could you imagine a marinate made of stagnant insanity??? or stagnant water for that matter??? Yuck!!!
*Shakes head in disgust* Getting right back on track, As I had nothing particularly important to do today, my dearest mother decided to take advantage of my availability and give me some ironing to do. Now, normally this wouldn't be so bad... I would also have normally refused - especially since this wasn't just a little bit of ironing, Oh no, it was two whole basket-loads of it!!! Unfortunately, my mother, being somewhat desperate to get that laundry ironed without having to do it herself, decided to bribe me... she didn't even bribe me with that much!!! I am very sorry to say, that I was bought for the extraordinarily cheap price of 25 dollars - and as strong as the Canadian dollar is at the moment, $25 still ain't all that much!!!... but I was poor and desparate, and I owed her about that much... So what could I do but take the offer?!?!
And that's how it came to be that I spent all of this morning (and some of this afternoon) ironing old tea-towels... and I'm only done one basket!!! Which may beg the question: If I do, in fact, have something else I should be doing, why on earth am I on here blogging??? and just what did I mean when I suggested that now would be as good a time as ever to update???
Well, you see, as stubborn as some wrinkles are, even the toughest can only force you to bend your will -and not the rest of your brain - toward making them flat. This of course leaves the rest of your brain to wander free and unfettered by your will - which we all know is extremely dangerous in my case. During one such episode, my thoughts actually (willingly) wandered to my will (I know, shocking isn't it? Never fear though, my will was sufficiently distracted that it didn't even notice) and watched curiously as my will imposed itself on flattening a scrap of cloth.
Have you ever noticed how human an activity ironing is??? I don't mean in the obvious sense - yes, of course it's a human activity Ally, humans are the only creatures (with the exception of those poor pets that have been domesticated by slightly twisted owners) that wear clothes!!! They're also the only ones technologically advanced enough to have created an iron! Not to mention the only ones with the proper appendages for using one (possibly because we made them :P)!!!
What I mean, is the that the fact that forcing the cloth be straight simply 'cause we wish it so, is such a human thing to do. Just as creating the fabric for that cloth was. It's remarkable how human beings always seem to insist on imposing their will on the world around them. That is not to say that other creatures don't do it, they just don't do it to the same degree. Just look at the world! If we want more hamburgers, we cut down the rain forest. We want to cross country? We blow up a mountain to create a railway line. We don't like the marsh in our backyard? We drain it, fill it with dirt, and then build a mall on it - 'cause you know, the bloodsucking brands are so much better than the mosquitoes :P.
*sigh* Truly though, it's disgusting... it's times likes these that I realise just how much contempt I have for the Human race - myself included. I'm really no better than the rest... worse in someways *grimace*...
Funny, ain't it? The fact that I'm not exactly a fan of humanity, but I plan on studying it for the rest of my life... I am going into archaeology and anthropology after all... *shrug* that's okay, I suppose I like the dead ones since they are already dead and can't do any worse *wrinkles nose*...
Anyhow, on to more exciting topics!!!! Like... uhh... how my summer was!!! Great actually!!! *Grins!* Can you tell I'm trying to avoid the second laundry basket???
Uhoh! there goes the phone! Gotta run, this post is too long anyway! I'll write more later (I promise, seriously, I will!!! and I don't even mean three months from now!!! :P)
With Love,