(I donno, it just seemd like a good word to start with :D!!!)
just an update before I head off to the land of the little green men (otherwise known to most sane people as Ireland ;) ). Rent was fun - as was Dinner with Ju and Kimmy and Stefan! OOH! Easter was hillarious! Em flew in from BC to surprise Marc and Jess for their b-days (and me - although she had to tell me beforehand to help with the surprise :D!!)! So that was awesome. The looks on their faces were Priceless *grins*!!!!!! heehee. The rest of Easter was good too, spending time with family and being run around (and over) by my cousins. Overall a good break, fairly relaxing - got to hang out with most of my friends - more than once too! (which is always shocking)! Visited Woburn - also more than once *nods* - and the chiropractor's two!!! (yes, :P, that was intentional... yeah, I know. I realise that it officially makes me a nerd *wrinkles nose at anyone who's ever doubted it before*). heehee. so, yup, fairly good break over all - and now, it is time to take on the world Muah-muahahahahahaha... *coughs* uh, yeah, not entirely sure where that one came from... sorry about that... not a really feminine sound, was that?... anyhow! It's off to Ireland with Andy for me (and I get to see Josh, YAY!!!) for a week before heading back to Ox for the most wonderfullest term that is Trinity :D.
Enjoy your Springs (and darn you to all my friends who get off just as I'm going back :P).
Lot's of love!
Me ;)
just an update before I head off to the land of the little green men (otherwise known to most sane people as Ireland ;) ). Rent was fun - as was Dinner with Ju and Kimmy and Stefan! OOH! Easter was hillarious! Em flew in from BC to surprise Marc and Jess for their b-days (and me - although she had to tell me beforehand to help with the surprise :D!!)! So that was awesome. The looks on their faces were Priceless *grins*!!!!!! heehee. The rest of Easter was good too, spending time with family and being run around (and over) by my cousins. Overall a good break, fairly relaxing - got to hang out with most of my friends - more than once too! (which is always shocking)! Visited Woburn - also more than once *nods* - and the chiropractor's two!!! (yes, :P, that was intentional... yeah, I know. I realise that it officially makes me a nerd *wrinkles nose at anyone who's ever doubted it before*). heehee. so, yup, fairly good break over all - and now, it is time to take on the world Muah-muahahahahahaha... *coughs* uh, yeah, not entirely sure where that one came from... sorry about that... not a really feminine sound, was that?... anyhow! It's off to Ireland with Andy for me (and I get to see Josh, YAY!!!) for a week before heading back to Ox for the most wonderfullest term that is Trinity :D.
Enjoy your Springs (and darn you to all my friends who get off just as I'm going back :P).
Lot's of love!
Me ;)