I keep meaning to do a proper update but never seem to get a chance! This term's been really fun, but ridiculously busy (not that I haven't had some time for relaxing - i.e. it's been nothing as bad as second year ;) )... but yeah, I suppose it's rather fitting I haven't updated yet! Nothing terribly exciting has happened, but it's been kind of nice to have only had one class, with interesting readings on change and seminar experts that switched topics every week. Mix that in with some dance, circus and working at Indigo to get my fill of socialness :). Have made some great friends at work as well - good for some Kareoke, Halloween-ness and just general fun around the store. Plus, who doesn't love books? ;). TAing has also been fun (Intro to bio anth&arch out at UTSC this term). A bit tiring though - I have 150 students! (3 tutorials worth) which means I end up spending all day most thursdays out that way - it's kinda nice though, brings back memories. Yes, I do miss scarborough :P and the fall colours of the valleys are always fun to see :). Miss living with em now that she's left me :P, but love living with Devon so that's all good. Only seen a bit of Ju and Jess, the former 'cause we both work all the time (we did get to see HP7.1 though! and then 6 and 5 in reverse order :P), the latter 'cause she took off for India and now Montreal :P. The boys too, I have not nearly seen enough of - Evan understandably as he's at Queens, Langan appears to have been willingly swallowed by law and donning :P. I have however, gotten to hang out Vince and Amy loads lately for skating purposes :D. Funfun! Wish I could do more dancing (naturally) but it's been nice to get to circus too. Hopefully I'll be able to fit some soccer back in next term as well :D. Let's see what else? Got to see Wicked again with Ma, Nal, John and Robert for the latter's bday :). Went with Jess and Devon and Alan to see Rock of Ages which was hilariously awesome!!! Also caught Cirque du Soleil's Banana Shpeel with Jess which was okay but not amazing... Saw Tangled the other day with the girls. very cute - yay Heymian :). Linna's going away party (I miss you!!! Hope you're having fun in Germany) was hilarious and awesome. O'Noir was great. How I loved listening to the boys attempt to eat in the dark *laughs uncontrolably for a bit*. The food was really yummy too! :D. Saw a few other movies too... not very many though! Ballet-wise, Cinderella with Kat was good as always... I did realise though that while I love Kudelka's comedies, it's not just his swan lake that isn't emotive, but a lot of his pieces... not four seasons though, that's gorgeous. Went to see the new mixed program with Em H, Chroma was nice, not amazing though and, sadly the national is not as good as the Bolshoi (naturally ;) ) at Balanchine so the latter's version of Serenade was happily not supplanted in my mind - we shall see for theme and variations later this season though. Emergence however, the new one by crystal pite, was incredible. Canada has produced a lot of great modern/contemporary ballet choreographers lately! and this is from someone who doesn't even like watching modern/contemp that much! But yeah, it was just fantastically amazingly brilliant. I don't think there are enough adjectives to describe it :P. Love it. lol, it's definitely been the little things that have made this term fun :D. Chatting with Jeremy, learning from amazing dancers, not being in the library all the time (though I did enjoy the law library while I was there ;). ) Hmm, I must be getting old. I just checked my calendar to figure out what else I'd done :P. Sara's wedding of course :). Mrs B's book club too. Just generally hanging out. Events at the store. Cake Boss was crazy (well, he wasn't, the event was). Gordon Ramsay was lovely (believe it or not :P). Meeting Kathy Reichs was fun. The Romeo Dalaire/Emmanuel Jal event on eliminating the use of child soldiers was wonderful and awe inspiring, as were the latter's and Ishmael Beah's books. And Margaret Trudeau was great to hear from :). Ooh! and the Terracotta Warrior display at the ROM (which I only just saw this morning) was really nicely presented!! CNTower Stair Climb with Amanda, Zia Diana, Jess (who got the ridiculous time of 18.19), Robert and some of their friends was also great fun. As was beating my previous time at 21.28 - no torn hamstring this year was always good too ;). So yeah, while it's not quite traveling, it's been good. *nods happily* I'm sure there are a great many stories and fun events that I am forgetting to tell you of, but it is bed time now so that I can catch up on sleep lost trying to run around and get everything done this past week. I've been successful though! Cookies are all baked and awaiting tinning/wrapping at Ma's tomorrow, Gifts are all bought and wrapped bar one or two, the house is clean (mostly), I just ate a three-minute cake in a mug, assignments are all marked, papers handed in, tins and wrapping things purchased. Yup *nods happily* all that is left is tinning cookies/laundry tomorrow, meeting up with Em, Ben, Langan, Evan and Alan on monday, working and proctoring an exam (at 8.30am in scarborough - who planned that :P?!) on tuesday, working and meeting up with a briefly returning Wendy and all of the girls on weds, hanging out and going to see 'A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to the Forum' with Em B on thurs, and finally working on friday morning before meeting up with the fam for xmas eve and, of course, xmas day :D. HAPPY HOLIDAYS EVERYONE!!!! xoxox :D. PS. for all those who get distressed by excess x-mas music and early appearing hair bells ;) Click Here - Merry Christmas :)! 'nightnight and farewell!