I had fun last night... Elite Syncopations is just as good as I remembered...
because Elite Syncopations is so short... the ballet usually puts in other short ballets as the other acts... this time there were four... the first act was Napoli Excerpts, which I really enjoyed... it was all grand allegro and grand batteman(sp?)... and the ending was like a giant party with tamborines and scarves... the second act was two really short ones, Le Specter De La Rose and Judgement Of Paris... Le Specter was about a girl with who comes home from a ball and is holding/smelling a rose and remembering the evening... when she falls asleep and the roses "spirit" jumps in through the window (yes, I know... I thought that was a bit odd too) and dances with her in her dream... then she goes back to sleep and he jumps out of the window... it was quite amusing... just the way he jumps out... all nonchallant... you really expect a huge "crash"... when I mentioned this to Em, who was sitting beside me... she said, and I quote "No, that would only happen if you were the one dancing" ... :P
the second half of the second act had everyone laughing... it was sort of a spoof on the roman myth "The Judgement of Paris" where Paris has to judge which of the goddesses (Minerva, Juno and Venus) is the most beautiful... well in this version "Paris" is the last costomer at a old fashioned pub... the goddesses are played by, what looked to me like, wemen acting like drunk men, who were trying to be sexy wemen... it was hillarious!!! the whole theatre was craking up... all of the "wemen" had a prop, a fan, two hoops or a feather boa... Emy claims that the two brunettes were exactly like me... and I kept trying to tell her that the blonde was her... anyways... at the end, Paris, having drunk so much (can you blame him?) falls asleep and the three um... girls?... steal his money...
...and then... there was Elite Syncopations... it was soooooo much fun... it was ragtime music... and the stage is set up like a dance competion... and everyone had their parteners... except for this one guy who kept trying to steal everyone else's ... the "dances" in the competition are really funny... especially the one where the girl is taller than the guy and keeps trying to lead... it's not so much the actual dances that I love tho... it's the little things going on in the "audience"... the one on stage I mean... like one time there'll be a "hot" girl dancing, and one of the guys is supposed to be talking to his partener, but he keeps getting "distracted"...there were lot's of little things like that... oooooh... and another really neat thing about Elite Syncopations is that they actually have the actual band onstage! ... it's really funny... all of the costumes of everyone on stage are bright and multi-coloured and just generally strange looking... even the conductor's!!! he looked remarkably like a clown...
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