Sunday, March 30, 2003

As I sat here munching on buttered toast... I realised that this was fast becoming a weekly ritual... not the buttered toast, but my sundays... this is the second sunday in a row where I'm wearing a skirt! and not just that, but every sunday for a while now has been my "relax and do chores/projects day"... I mean those don't sound relaxing... but they are... as long as you don't start getting uptight about them...

... hmmmm... haven't blogged in a while... let's see... dance recital in 12wks... soooooo not ready... Friday night I went to the movies with Jubaloo... haven't seen her in forever we went to see "Bringing Down The House" it was actually alot better than I thought it would be... the whole theater spent the whole movie laughing... I had to bury my face in Ju's shoulder quite a bit... damn ppl emberassing themselves... it make me squirm... and I mean squirm!... gah... half the time I can barely watch friends... ugh! and then this ugly guy outside tried to hit on us... *shudders*

... Saturday me and Em went shopping... YAY!!! after walking through the rain and waiting (do they ever come on time?) for the bus... I got a whole buch of "under garments"... I noticed that corsets, of all things, are coming back in style... oh, well... I think they're comfy... some day's I love being female... (and others... well...) I also got two pairs of shorts, a summer dress (I know, I know) and a top... Em got a bunch of stuff too... oooooh that reminds me... she owes me $20... soo anyways... after a while we bumped into some friends of mine and we all hung out for a bit before being forced to take the ttc home... as if taking it there wasn't enough cousins came over for dinner... it was fun... we watched two disney movies (No! I am not too old for them) ... ya sooo...

and then today... did my math ISU... which was actually FUN... umm... ... hmm... ooooooh! I just put together my new bookcase.. yes another one... I now have 5 in my room... heeheehee... but ouchy! my rib is hurting me... I had it put in yesterday mornin' but then shopping and heavy bags popped it out... doing the bookcase by itself (heeheehee... that was a typo but I think I'll leave it... "it" kinda suits me...) prolly didn't help at all... *sigh* ... I donno why I'm happy... I really have no reason to be... I is in pain... *shrugs* ... it's me... I think that pretty much explains everything...

well... bye-d-byez,
The Happily Painful,

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