Wednesday, September 03, 2003

... Hello again...
Been a while since I last blogged hasn't it... back to school today... funfun... well, not really... schedule goes as follows:

Day 1 -

Day 2 -
World Religions
Canadian History
Intro to Anthropology, Sociology and Psycology

... I swear that they're trying to kill me... My four core subjects are gifted and the other three are gr 11... my easiest course (apart from car/civ) is gr 11 gifted french... Argh!!! I'm so mad that I don't have drama... oh well, next year... Also I kinda wanted to spend less time on schoolwork this year and just relax before I have to start stressing *sigh* guess that one's not happening... Anyways, so far my teachers seem pretty nice... so it shouldn't in any way be a bad year (well, 'cept for the work overload thing) ...
... had a pretty good summer... trapeze for the first four weeks, then two weeks off, then a three week journey around Peru... which was really pretty cool... the only problem is that I've been really active all summer, and then suddenly, I'm back in school... sitting there doing nothing but listening to teachers ramble on about thier courses... I mean, I know it's important, but it's really really annoying to have absolutely nothing to do after quite literally, running around wild all summer...

... I'm sorry, I'm not usually this down... and I've usually got atleast one interessting thing to say... I guess I'm really just pretty exhausted right now...
The Horribly Tired and Worn,

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