It's so weird... I can't beleive first year is done already!!! In some ways its just flown by... and in others it... I donno... I guess it really was just about the right length.
It was kinda weird staying long for exams and having sooo many people leave... college just seemed soooo much quieter without them - despite the fact that all the medics, PPE-ists, mathmaticians, E&M-ers, biologist, linguists, historians and Arch & Anthers were still around... I donno... It's actually been kinda fun. More relaxed almost - even with Exams :D! *grins* exams were pretty fun... I had two days of six hours solid writing 12 essays total. Yeas, Oxford is insane. The the last one wasn't exactly my favourite and I ended up leaving early (though I did that for most of them... or finished early and then got trapped in the exam room unable to leave due to the fact that I had finished one minute after the half-hour-remaining mark *wrinkles nose* Gah! I swear I was more distracting to have around with all of my squirming than my departure would have been :P)! It was still fun though since I came back to college and deposited my stuff before heading back to the exam schools to join the crowd waiting to attack and congratulate all those wearing red carnations :D!!!! OOOH! and our flutes of champagne - particularly the chocolate bottle - on the lawn afterward were also fun! *grins*
*shakes head* still feels weird to think I'm leaving Oxford in an hour... (AHHH!!! I'm leaving in an hour!!! EEEEKKK!!!) I had soooooo much stuff packed to leave in storage that it was insane!!!! I have no idea how I've managed to pack it for all of the other breaks!!!! Awww... soo strange to think that this is the last time we'll properly be living in Hertford *pouts* I'll miss it! - Just Like I miss Amanda *grins* Amanda was back last weekend and it was awesome!!!!! Punting with her, her friend Lee, Henry and Ewen was especially entertaining *grins* heehee... drunken Amanda and Henry (who totally deserved it for getting a destinction in his exams :D) are faaarrr too much fun - insane, but fun too!!!!
Anyhow, I should probably head off... I'm at Charlotte's for the night so that I can say bye for the summer and then off home for two days before I leave for Peru (ahhhh! - which means I am unfortunately going to miss Janet Evanovich doing a book signing at Indigo *cries* soooo unfair!!! I'm missing it by like 8 or 9 hours... and I keep getting emails about it *dies*)
So yeah, that's pretty much it! Hope everyone has and awesome and Amazing summer. I'll miss you all greatly!!!!
Lot's of love!
1 comment:
Why Peru? Other than because of Machu Picchu
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