*shakes head in disbelief* I'm not sure if the above title is a reflection of my all-out and thourough enjoymet of life (and therefore lack of a need to blog about it... - definitely, but I blog anyway ;) ), the absence of any travels lately (and therefore lack of stuff to write about... well more than likely probably) or is a testament to just how busy I've been (and therefore a lack of time to blog about the busy-ness)... lets just go with all three shall we? After all, we all know they're all just excuses so I can feel better about not having blogged in forever :D.
and on that note A Very Happy (slightly belated) 7th (Yikes! - 7th?) Birthday to My Blog!!!!
*shakes head in laughter* Crazy, who would have ever thought that I, who hate writing so much (so much so in fact that it's a struggle to even spell the word correctly :P), would have ended up carrying on a blog for so long?! Then again, as the one dissenting voice in my head has just pointed out, given the frequency with which I actually post, maybe that's not so much of a surprise *wrinkles nose and glares the voice into submission* :P. Granted, I suppose when one considers that I also decided to do my undergrad in a place where I wrote non-stop... well.. yeah... there's just no accounting for me is there? *shakes head*..... hmmm *points to head shaking tendency* I should probably be careful about that... my head's so lose as it is and my brain so disconnected (or maybe it's too connected and that's my problem??? nah... more like there are so many loose ends that jiggling them results in completely unforseen pretty new patterns of thought and that's why no one can follow my thinking :D - it's reasoned and logical, I swear!!!!) that shaking so vigorously could be dangerous... then again, the resulting mess could also be fun :D.
lol, I'm not sure why (given the fact that I'm virtually drowning under the volume of work - Ox has nothing on UofT, I swear! Then again, the voluminous nature of my working and my subsequent drowning under it couldn't possbly be a direct result of the fact that rather than acting like a normal, sane, graduate student and taking only two or three graduate courses, I decided that four plus TAing plus 8-10 hours of dance plus playing pickup soccer in any free time I have plus attending seminars plus agreeing to present a paper at an informal department thing and trying to have a life all at the same time would be much more fun to do - actually, it kinda is :D. I can't really lie, I'm enjoying myself thouroughly!!! So much fun!!! And all my readings are interesting! and my classes are cool... and I'm such a nerd aren't I??? teehee *shakes head* I so wouldn't have it any other way *grins widely*... right, now, where was I??? Oh, yes!) but I feel like I have this lovely glow of love for the world surrounding me right now. Do concussions do that to you??? One of the guys at soccer ran full-on into my forhead when I was trying to block him the other day and I got a big bump *pouts* not that it's noticeable, but it kinda hurts... also, why am I always the only/one of the only girls??? It's co-ed soccer and it ends up being just me and like 30 boys... it does make a nice change from the female-dominance at the studio though! and in anthropology for that matter! *smiles happily and shrugs* ah, who knows, I just feel happy *sends out hugs and love to anyone who might be reading this at the moment whatever that moment may be, regardless of whether or not she herself is still feeling that lovely glow when this gets read.* .. aww heck, why not just send out the love and hugs to everyone and all right now... I really must have hit my head hard musn't I? *shakes head*
... actually... on that note, why do people do or say negative things??? there's so much negativity in the world and it's so just... not happy... ...why???
lol! *points to above* man, I donno what it is, (definitely getting hit in the head) but I sound like a 5-yr-old hippy... it's kinda nice actually :D. You gotta like getting that childish demeanor back :).
Speaking of injuries, I can't believe I managed to tear my hamstring again (for the second time in my life - same side too, only this time higher up, like right where it joins in the bum... and really deep in - also, in the same way as before - doing the splits, only this time I rolled into them wrong after having done them several times already that day *pouts*). That was in September and it's been a long slow healing process getting it back (not that I ever stopped dancing - I mean come on, it's me ;). I was back dancing on it (badly) pretty instantaneously after I did it - I couldn't do very much though) but it's getting there! In fact, I think it may even be a stronger than ever (though the flexibility still isn't quite back yet... I'm still an inch or two off the splits (when extremely warm) and can't support extensions much above 90 - but then, flexibility never really was my strong suit ;) ) thanks to a little physio (and I do mean a little... I think I made it to slightly over 3 appointments in 5 months? :S - they were really good & helpful though!)... but yeah, so that's good news! And I'm really loving the chance to dance with some of the former National Ballet Dancers/teachers - so many of them are such incredible teachers (and dancers - omg, I remember loving watching some of them on stage!) and watching them dance/demonstrate things is incredible!!! That and the level of talent from the people in the advanced classes is insane! Amazing!!!! *shakes head* If a tear wasn't enough, I rolled my foot the other week falling out of a turn (naturally still on the left side... probably admittedly due to the weakness there :P) ... I iced it right away and was good to it though! (and by that I mean I waited a few dozen minutes and warmed it up thouroughly before continuing to dance on it ;) ) but my physio said it might be fractured as well as slightly sprained (I doubt it... I played soccer 3 times and danced 5 times in the 2 weeks in between doing it and seeing her...) so I'm just being a good girl and icing and pretending that's not the case, I honnestly don't think I could survive taking any more time out with injury... school work with no release would drive me crazy!
As to that, being back in T.O has been... good...really. I'm actually kinda really enjoying settling into one place again and having all my connections and seeing all my friends (which I do get to do despite all my work :P). Living with em is really fun too, and it's really nice to be able to go do things over the weekend (not that I often have time to anymore :P) if I really want to. This term has actually been better than last term in that respect (not the weekend one, the one prior). Although I've had much more work (I'm not sure how, really, I had four courses last term too :P) I just seem to be living more somehow, having more energy, getting out more... reading fewer novels (I was doing 3 a week last term!) but that's okay, I'll catch up over the summer :)! lol, maybe it's that I'm actually re-engaging with the world around me (I say that like I stopped... maybe engaging more is a better way of phrasing it), plus getting to run around with boys at soccer has helped with energy levels *grins*, that and I think I just needed a re-adjustment period, both for my brain and socially/toronto-ially... (no, that's not a word, but I know what I mean so ;P)... in some ways last term kept feeling like I was on haitus, waiting to return to Ox in the fall... At any rate, school's been good :D, this term especially. So, yeah, to those who have been asking: I'm definitely glad I'm back :)!
Let's see excitement-wise other than school, what have I been up to??? Not much really... there was cousin Kimmy's wedding in the fall, which was fun 'cause I got to dance with all the older folks who really knew how to twist :D. that and Papa and I got to have fun Vienese waltzing and Tarantella-ing around the floor much to my delight. Why don't they teach boys my age to dance properly??? sooo much fun!!!!!!! plus, they always all end up watching jealously from the sidelines *shakes head* what else???? OOoh yummy pumpkin pies for eating :D (and then pumpkin muffins when em decided to kill our decorative pumpkin so she could get at the seeds ;)), getting out to nuit blanche with Nal and Ju and David, Seeing the latest cirque show - Ovo was so good!!!!, escapades with Jess - seeing multiple movies, getting to see 'my mother's lesbian jewish wiccan wedding' which was hilarious, feeling remarkably like a closet door (you know who you are! ;) ), taking all the cousins on a massive family & friend outing to see New Moon and laughing so hard we drove all the the other girls watching nuts, getting to see Sleeping Beauty with Linna and the New ballet by Azure (which was so good!) with ma, various parties, baking cookies for the Anthro Grad Union Wine and Cheese and actually managing to come up with a delicious recipe capturing the flavour of Christmas (they were orange-and-craisin-and-milkchochip-and-spice(nutmeg/cinnamon/ginger) cookies, they were yummy :D), taking Trina, Jess and Zia Diana flying for the first time which was awesome and volunteer gift wrapping for epilepsy at STC. Oh! And I managed to do the CNTower climb with David and some of his friends back in October for the first time in 3 years (yes, with my torn hamstring :p) . I did it in 23.06 - not my best, but still pretty damn good!!! :D. What else??? OOOoooooh!!!!! I also got to see the Olympic flame when it came through T.O :D!!!!!!!! Sooo awesomely happy!!! that said, we waited outside in the freezing cold for about1.45mins 'cause it was late :P but still sooo coool!!!! So excited for the Olympics in February :D!!!! hmmm I think then it was on to Christmas and seeing the family which was awesome, having a violent bout of food poisoning/stomach flu in between then and New Years, which was not so fun, getting to play football with the boys (and not getting injured this time... though watching ed repeatedly take himself out on the ice was pretty funny ;) - lmao! that and watching Thomas drive onto the ice covered track so he could drift the car around the corners *shakes head* ) seeing all the gifties again at Milani & Thomas' bday... then came Julia's visit and skiing up north :D!!! lol, priceless we figured out that David is essentially another me and Julia another Langan, which was pretty darn priceless (speaking of which, congrats to all the people *coughsLanganCeilidhVincecoughs* who got into Law School!!!) and then showing Julia around T.O before she left (which defeinitely involved Julia using David's free pass, which we got for climbing before 7am because he's insane and made us, to get up the CNTower for free :D) and going to the bata shoe museum and playing around on the cast of Lucy's prints, going on Kat and my's epic-post-x-mas-shopping spree :D, the odd get-together/pub night, getting together a bunch of the gifties for dinner with Mrs.B. which was awesome (even if I had to organise it so I'd be late just so it could fit with everyone else's schedules ;)), then last weekend was Kat's crazy-limmo-involving bday with Sara's uber-good tasting jello-shots with actual fruit in them (Steve take note ;P) and yeah... that brings us up to now :D.
lol... hmm... a now which is conveniently also probably bed time as I get to spend tomorrow trying to profile our skeleton in the basement of the anthro building with Renee :D. See you at the end of this work-filled period. Much love.
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