Thursday, June 09, 2011

DONE!!! :D - And the Promised Update

Guess what??? Guess what???  (you know what the best part of this moment right here is??? That I have so much to say and so many updates to do that I could put nearly anything right here *grins* and so many exciting ones too!... hmmm... I suppose I could start every paragraph of this post off with a wondrous thing I have to tell... but that seems overly complicated... and I don't think I could possibly decide what should come first! ... also, as it's getting pretty late and I'm pretty low on sleep (thank you crazy-writing adrenaline!... also sleeping on a mattress on my parents floor in a (teeny-tiny, I might add) room which, in addition to having an absolutely stunning view of the city & lake Ontario (sooo gorgeous!), gets the early morning sun *shakes head*), I'm not sure how coherent this post would wind up actually being. Example, my brain just got very excited about the fact that I used brackets, in brackets, inside brackets! And then proceeded to view my sentence like the math equation it isn't. See, clearly time for bed. :P. ... but not before some updates of course (wouldn't want to leave you hanging! I now how nasty cliffhangers can be ;) ) <--- Oooh, more brackets! <--- teehee! on a complete and utter side note, until last year I'd never realised just how fun putting in footnotes could be. Nor how addicting... I totally just spent a good number of seconds trying to figure out where the footnote button was so I could put the previous comment as one *shakes head* clearly writing has gotten to me... also, I am such a nerd!  - right! definitely bed time! not only has this digression taken on a terrifyingly expansive life of it's own, but I'm sure anyone reading it right now is pitying themselves horribly. Or they stopped reading it. Either way, I sound like I'm fourteen again - not a bad prospect to be sure - ahh, to be as young as once we were and smell the flowers of youth! - okay then... I'm not even gonna pretend I know where that one came from *shakes head and takes a moment to allow the slightly more lucid portion of her brain to regain control* )

I finished writing :D!!!! Well, I still have to edit, and write the presentation for the conference later this month. But those shouldn't take too long and other than that I am good and finished *grins widely*. lol, you'd think I had been writing for far longer than a month and a bit with the amount of weight that feels like it's been lifted off my shoulders! Still though, I did spend nearly every waking hour (and many of the sleeping ones) not spent at work or at dance typing non-stop (and my hand keeps spasming because of it too! Funny, one would think circus-ing on it right after having broken it would cause it to react far more than would typing... that having been said, I have been doing an awful lot of it :P!) But it was soo worth it :). I just love it when something wants out of your head so badly that it basically writes itself (oh, great, now I sound like I have an alien occupying my skull...). All 20,000words/80pgs of itself that is - phew! Seriously though, I'd forgotten how calming it was to wake up absurdly early in the morning type until noon, dance, shower, work, come home type until two, sleep for a few hours and repeat... such a soothing rhythm... until of course you crash... but that is totally allowed once you've finished ;). *Sighs* I love living. ... I hafta say, writing at my parents place up on the 17th floor (really 16th... what is up with people's total fear of the number 13 anyhow? It's just such a lovely number! and good luck too. Not to mention my birth date :D - yeah, yeah, I know. Not helping :P) with all the windows/sliding glass doors open and the sounds of the city floating in is in no way bad either!

But yeah, all of this self directed learning has definitely made me pine for Oxford. That and the nice weather. Oh how I'd love to be a-lounging on the quad lawn! (With all of my England people of course!) That way I might have a tan too :P. Sooo pasty (for me) due to an extended & rainy spring and my sequestering during this productive time. Speaking of Oxstalgia (yes that's a word. no you wont find it in a dictionary. yes I made it up...), you know what else brings it on? X-men! Saw it on Sat with Devon, Tacha & Jess and I have to say it was pretty good. I still prefer Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart of course. But they are a little hard to beat ;). *shakes head* If only I'd know that door into NBQuad from under the bridge that was forever locked was locked because it contained a space-time portal leading into a KA-like pub! Just think of the potential for study! Also... darnit! Why weren't the mutants there when I was??? ;)

Possibly more exciting than x-men though (what could be more exciting than x-men you ask? well.. I have to admit I'm kinda excited for Transformers 3.. no Megan Fox though so... oh... that wasn't what you were asking...), and arguably more exciting that the fact that I've finished writing (if you are anyone but me that is), is that I AM GOING TO TAIWAN IN AUGUST :D!!!!! I'm one of two Canadian youth, joining two youths from another approximately 124 countries, headed to the RoC to participate in a Homestay celebrating their Centennial - soo excited!!! You can bet I will be Blogging about and uploading loads of photos of  my experiences there :). More details to come but I will definitely have a (non-rambling) travel blog up and running before I go in which will be documented all of the adventures, cultural forays and food discoveries that come my way. Prominently placed link will go up sometime soon, so keep an eye out for that!

And with that, I am off to bed!
Until the morning, when I will endeavor to provide some actual, and possibly even coherent, updates ;).

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey!" I'm glad to hear you're done!!! Looking forward to the august experience.