Saturday, December 27, 2003


*sigh*... I really need to blog more don't I?... anyways... Christmas was great... X-mas eve with my mom's side was fun... all the kids insisting that they'd last until midnight before opening the presents... yeah... they lasted 'til ten... then my little cousin who only weighs about 40-someodd pounds trying to drink an entire glass of champagne on her own... *shakes head*... mmmm... and good food... crab... yummy... Then was x-mas day with my dad's side... which was equally fun... and where all us older kids watched the cartoon version of "How The Grinch Stole Christmas"... *sigh* I love that movie... ...the only problem this year was that it was nearly impossible to get into the christmas mood... there was no snow!!! *pouts*... oh well... it did snow for a bit on the 25... but still... that doesn't count!... ...I'd have to say my favourite gifts were the lump of coal "for extra naughty boys and girls" from my uncle... and the rudolf and frosty movies from emily... yupyup... *nods* yes, I know... I'm strange...

well... I'm off... gotta go pack... we're leaving for the Dominican at 4:30 tomorrow morning so... Happy New Years!,

Friday, December 19, 2003


There's snow... but it's all melting... noo snow... don't go away!!!... um, uh... Christmas in 6days!!! woohoo!!!... uh and yeah... so... the place just looked a lil' dismal and I thought I'd cheer it up... guess you could take the lack of postage as a good thing... I mean... after all... I means I'm developing a social life right? ... anyways... just thought I'd wish everyone a merry X-mas break(even if ya don't celebrate it) and a Happy New year... so ya... there ya' go...

Sunday, November 23, 2003

Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Paradoxical People

People really seem to despise life on this planet. And yet, we all contrive to stay on it as long as possible - longer even. Why?

...just a random thought... anyways... I must go back to my W.Rel. project...

Sunday, October 26, 2003

Ally is now dead... just a short note to say that I actually made it up the stairs of the CN Tower... whoohoo!!! go me!!! did it in 29mins 16secs... not to bad for a first try... anyways... I'm dead... so I'm off...

The Very Dead,

Thursday, October 23, 2003


heeheehee... just a quick note... I came out of the literacy test (stupid pathetic thing... I think I may just have failed... I did too much work...) for my break today, and it was snowing!!! heehee... I love the first snow of the year... it always makes my day!!!

Sunday, October 19, 2003

... *sigh*...
I was bored and just meandering 'round the net, when I noticed that I hadn't blogged in forever, so, I continued meadering until I arrived here... and figured that I should say something...

... okay... there we go... I've said something, and now I can leave... but I won't... y'know it's really weird... I really hate writting, and yet, last year I was really into the whole blog thing... and now, I'm back to normal old me... well... that is, nornal for me... we all know that normal for me is extremely abnormal for just about everyone else on the planet... and now, I'm just babbling... why am I babbling? I have no idea... I'm assuming it has something to do with avoiding my english project... which, I probably really should be doing...

... it's weird... I feel like everything I'm writting about makes my life sound depressing... meh... life's great... it's just that I don't really feel like blogging all about the entertaining things that happen in my day anymore... I mean, who really cares?... not that I ever cared 'bout that fact... it was just fun to write... now it's tedious... *shrug* oh well... I almost feel the same about reading anything other than short romance/fluffy-girliness novels... argh! what's wrong with me... I soo badly want to read what I used to be able to read... which was just about anything... mostly sci-fi/ fantansy... but, it's like I'm all excited 'bout the book... I pick it up, start to read it... and then, half way in, get bored and turn into a giggly-teenage girl and put it down... and the worst part is, that I'm not bored, I really want to read the book, but I can't... it's like, anything deeper than, say a puddle, is far to deep... my mind get's all airy and brainless as if it were drowning and not getting enough oxygen... it's so damn annoying!!!... and here I go again... whining and making my life sound depressing... which is pathetic, 'cause it's really the complete opposite...

... speaking about it being the complete opposite... I Gots A New Baby Cousin!!!...heehee... he was born on Wednesday, his name is Keith, and I get to see him today... assuming of course, that I finish the hw that I'm putting off right now...

... lesse... what else is there to talk about... ...honnestly, it's sad... I never shut up... and here I'm having trouble thinking of what to say... meh... seems to happen everytime I have to write or type something... speaking is sooooo much more fun... 'cause, then people are forced to listen... well... not necessarily... most of my friends and family have developed the amazing ability of being able to pretend that they're listening, while actually thinking of something completely different, such as what colour shoes they're gonna buy next time they go shopping... or how they really love that new tv show... not that I have a problem with that... I mean... It's not exactly as if I actually listen to myself... my brain has usually gotten bored about two seconds into the "conversation" (if you want call it that... I usually do all of the talking...) and is off in some other dimension, trying to figure out how I'm gonna get my 20-somethingth meal of the day, and if the world is actually a hyperbolic paraboloid and not a sphere as they keep trying to make us believe... occaisionally, it comes back down to earth, and wonders if my mouth'll ever shut up so that it can get something intelligent in... like, say, asking the person I'm talking at whether or not they have any food...

*takes a breath and blinks as if coming out of a daze*

... okay... no clue where all of that came from... it seems that not only my mouth, but my hands as well, have a life of they're own... you people are just lucky that you are not forced to read all of this... on the other hand... since you are staring at this, I'm assuming that you have read it... and are therefore insane... whether you were before, or are now because of my babbling, is a completely irrelevant fact... unless of course, it was my babbling that drove you insane, which would probably mean that you find it very relevant and will be trying to kill me the next time I see you... if that is the case, please post a comment so that I can know to place you in the same category as homework, and avoid you at all costs... also, try to remember that insanity is a great place to be, and that you should love, not hate the person who sent you there...

and now, I must get back to my work,
So long,
From The Ever-So-Whatever-ish,

Sunday, September 14, 2003

... not too much in this corner...
... I actually can't think of anything to talk about... other'n the fact that I'm bored outta my mind... and just sitting here like an idiot... hmm... what to say, what to say...
... lesse... school's actually not too bad... better'n I thought it would be... but just watch, now that I've said that, it'll get worse... ...what else is there... hmmm... me, being my normal crazy self... bought a pink candy-stripped top when I was at the mall on friday... it's quite hideous... looks gorgeous on me though, soo... heeheehee... pink, candy-stripe & gorgeous... ... anyways... just thought I'd do a little update... but I've done it now... so I guess that leaves me free to go...

So Long,
From The Ever So Wonderful,

Wednesday, September 03, 2003

... Hello again...
Been a while since I last blogged hasn't it... back to school today... funfun... well, not really... schedule goes as follows:

Day 1 -

Day 2 -
World Religions
Canadian History
Intro to Anthropology, Sociology and Psycology

... I swear that they're trying to kill me... My four core subjects are gifted and the other three are gr 11... my easiest course (apart from car/civ) is gr 11 gifted french... Argh!!! I'm so mad that I don't have drama... oh well, next year... Also I kinda wanted to spend less time on schoolwork this year and just relax before I have to start stressing *sigh* guess that one's not happening... Anyways, so far my teachers seem pretty nice... so it shouldn't in any way be a bad year (well, 'cept for the work overload thing) ...
... had a pretty good summer... trapeze for the first four weeks, then two weeks off, then a three week journey around Peru... which was really pretty cool... the only problem is that I've been really active all summer, and then suddenly, I'm back in school... sitting there doing nothing but listening to teachers ramble on about thier courses... I mean, I know it's important, but it's really really annoying to have absolutely nothing to do after quite literally, running around wild all summer...

... I'm sorry, I'm not usually this down... and I've usually got atleast one interessting thing to say... I guess I'm really just pretty exhausted right now...
The Horribly Tired and Worn,

Saturday, August 02, 2003

Ally has had complaints...
about the fact that she hasn't blogged in a while... and the fact that she talks way too much elsewhere but hardly at all here... thus she is going to do a quick update-torial blog...

um... let's see... hmmm... well, she had her end of session trapeze show, where she did a gorgeous layout catch... no return... and um... yah... she's leaving for Peru on friday... and won't be back 'til school starts... if she happens to never come back... blame it on her mom... she want's to canoe the amazon...

okay... that's it... that's my summer so far...
'ya happy now???
The Horribly, Terribly, Lazy,

Friday, June 27, 2003

Sorry I haven't blogged in so long...
I've been kinda busy... and with the comming of summer I've been outside more and more, and on the compy less and less... also, my brain has decided that as it is summer, it will be going into complete ditz mode - as oppose to the regular, semi-ditz mode... this means, that it will not partake in any intellectual activities what-so-ever... well... reading not included... (hey, I need to keep it occupied somehow)... and even then, the deep, thought provoking books will be mixed in amoung nice, fluffy, easy stuff... because of this, I will probably not post very much this summer...

Have fun,

Tuesday, May 27, 2003


I can't go!!! I have dance on Saturday and I can't go!!! NOOOOOOOOOOO!!! grrrr!

ya, so recital in three weeks... sooooooooo not ready... I still haven't seen reloaded... and um... I know there's more... I'm absolutely certain that there is... what else is new... um... Mr. Rooney brought in two locust on a plate the other day... that wasn't what I was going to say... but hey, why not...

I'm gonna go now,

Friday, May 23, 2003

Meg Cabot is comming here!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...her tour info is at and her sites...

...Yay!!!!!! finally!!!!!!! yayayayayay!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry I haven't posted in a while, my summative assigments have been taking up all of my time and I don't seem to have a life... oooooooooh... and I really need to go see the Matrix Reloaded... I just don't have any time! GRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

The Happy but Frustrated,

Tuesday, May 06, 2003

sorry I haven't posted in so long... I've been kind of busy...

... I just read over my post script about the looting of museums in Iraq, I think I sounded a little more calous than I meant to be... I mean, in no way would I ever want my family to die, but honestly that type of history, when it's the only stuff left in the world that could give us clues to our beginings... well, I value that more than my own life (then again, if I were dead it wouldn't matter, would it? ...which I gues is kind of a paradox...*shrug*) so I donno...

... my math teacher decided a few days ago that we were done the curriculum for this year, so we should start learning trig... I think it's the easiest thing we've done all year... then, today she was pretending to pour coffee on my head, so I jumped up, and went flying halfway across the room... she later told my science teacher to not let me out of my seat incase I went flying yet again...

... hmmmmmm... lets see... in other news... oh! ... I saw the strangest thing the other day... I've seen lot's of people get on the ttc stoned... and I've seen lot's pf people smoke while on it... which pisses me off to no end... especially when they're sitting right under a "no smoking sign", do they not have any respect? there are so many kids on the bus... how can they do that? ... anyways... so this guy get's on the bus... walks to the back... and starts smoking weed!!! ... honnestly! how strange is that... everyone was so stunned that no one said a word... it's not suprising that the driver didn't smell it, 'cause lot's of people get on the bus smelling like weed (in the mornings too... just how bad are their lives that they need to get stoned at eight in the morning?) ... but still!!!

well... I really gotta go...
it's been nice talking/typing at you,
The Very Tired and Extremely Out-Of-It,

Wednesday, April 23, 2003

*sigh*... I'm bored... and not tired at all... *sigh*...

I just read "An Ancient Civilization" by Acey... it gooooooooooood... it's here at fiction press... and she'll prolly kill me for giving you the link... but the story is absolutely hillarious... though you'll only really understand it if you Canadian...

yup... I should probably go...

Tuesday, April 22, 2003

Ally has finished her english article ... yay!!!

heeheehee... if anyone tried to talk to me on msn today, this is what they got...
...bored... auto-message: Ally is busy, she is doing her english project-assignment-thingy, she has been stalling for the past 6 or 7 days... please do not try to talk to her, as it would allow her to get distracted - taking even more of her brain power away from her work... this would be especially unproductive seeing as how we all know that she doesn't have very much intelligence to start with, this gives her work a very limited suply and so, she cannot spare the single brain cell needed to talk to you...

yupyup... so anyways... I just thought I'd post that...

The Increasingly Odd and Incomprehensible,

Monday, April 21, 2003

On a lighter note...

I got bored earlier... I seem to do that often... just like going off on tangents... I do that all the time while I'm talking, when I'm writting and reading too... though luckily for my readers, when I'm writting I tend to do it in my head... well... most of the time anyways... getting back on track... because of my boredom I decided it would be fun to read online dictionaries... *Note - Ally is confusing "fun" with avoiding her english project at all costs* ... I happened to stumble upon "The Devil's Dictionary", it's absolutely hillarious... it was written by Ambrose Bierce in 1906, and the definitions are still true today!!! ... it's basically a satirical dictionary... I found these two deffinitions extremely funny:

OPTIMISM, n. The doctrine, or belief, that everything is beautiful, including what is ugly, everything good, especially the bad, and everything right that is wrong. It is held with greatest tenacity by those most accustomed to the mischance of falling into adversity, and is most acceptably expounded with the grin that apes a smile. Being a blind faith, it is inaccessible to the light of disproof -- an intellectual disorder, yielding to no treatment but death. It is hereditary, but fortunately not contagious.


PESSIMISM, n. A philosophy forced upon the convictions of the observer by the disheartening prevalence of the optimist with his scarecrow hope and his unsightly smile.

heeheehee... I could go on about how true they are... but I won't... I think it's pretty obvious to all....

I know I haven't blogged much lately... but I hope to blog again soon...

ps. Oh, about the looting of museums in Iraq.... NO! you do not do that, you just don't... I personally don't hold any love for museums... but all of that history lost, distroyed or stolen is almost physically painful to think about... why the hell didn't those ass-holes in Washington do something to protect them??? ... honnestly, as calous as this sounds, I don't care how many more soldiers would have been killed protecting the museums... I'd let my whole family die before I'd let someone destroy that much history and knowledge!
*sigh*... I'm feeling kinda philosophical... but I don't really want to write about it...

I was catching up on my blog reading, when I stumbled across an old(ish) post of Evan's about existentialism(beleiving that all people are free(not bound by a supernatural being) and are responsible for their own actions) and atheism(not beleiving in any godlike figure), and about what Friedrich Nietzsche (that's a nightmare to spell) said - "God is dead, therefore man is free." ... Evan was saying how not beleiving in any sort of deity would leave no purpose in your life, giving you a hollow, empty feeling. In some ways this is true, I mean, I'd like to think that there was some meaning for my life, that I live for a reason... on the other hand, that reason could be extremely small and pathetic, and yes it would be something to live up to, but what about when I acheived that, would I be allowed to go further and explore? ... Or, upon achieving what was desired of me and living out my usefulness, would I die?
... personally, I'm a mix of beliefs and philosophies, I have not yet decided exactly what I choose to believe about anything. This is rather odd seeing as how I'm a "why" person and need to know the why of everything immediately or I feel that I'll just die (and after that, I need to know the when, who, where and how... but I generally enjoy figuring those out on my own... I think another way to describe "why" people is nosy... though I prefer curious or adventurous) ... then again, the fact that I'm nosy might explain why I'm still "sitting on the fence"... this way I get to hear everyones ideas and philosophies and consider them all equally and unobjectively... plus, I'd like to be able to explore and experience them all before I choose, that way I'll know that I've chosen the right one... or maybe I won't... none of us really will until we die... and even then we might not... that's another fun thing to consider... what happens after we die...
I know the empty feeling Evan's talking about, the one you get by not beleiving in anyting... It's pretty horible... I don't experience it much... I'm more agnostic than anything... for those of you who don't know... that's beeing deliberately ignorant, and refusing to agree whether or not there is a godlike thing hanging around... I don't really follow the ignorant part though, since I enjoy contemplating all of the different philosophies... the only thing I really know for sure, is that I have a limited time on this earth... in this particular body anyways... and that I intend to travel, explore and experience as much as possible, physically and mentally while I'm still around to do it... who knows, maybe all my adventures and escapades will lead me to a higher understanding... and if they don't, who cares... at least I spent my life doing and thinking exciting and enjoyable things that I won't regret...

Philosophically Yours,

Friday, April 18, 2003

Happy Easter/Passover/Whatever-You-Celebrate!!!

Sunday, April 13, 2003

I had the oddest dream last night... I'll admit it freaked me out... I donno why though.... the dream it self wasn't really scary...

We had this supply tech teacher, and he decided that we hadn't learnt electricity properly, so he decided to take us all out, and by all I mean every single gr.9, even those who weren't in tech... and have us wire the whole town as a parallel circuit... strange, I know... so anyways, I eventually gathered that he was planning on blowing up the town (can you do that using a prallel circuit?) ... I started telling everyone what was going on, but it was like they couldn't stop or something... for some strange reason that didn't bother me at all... not until I got this horrible feeling that something/someone was going to die if I didn't get them out, appearantly there had been an evacuation warning for all the families before hand, but this thing had missed them... so, so far the dream had been pretty normal... well as far as dreams go anyways... but then when I was looking for the thing to save... which I'm pretty sure was a dog... it was like I couldn't do anything, I just kept running around in circles in a giant maze... now, usually I like the maze type dreams, their fun... but after a while this just got tedious... usually when something like this happens I can sort of semi control the dream if i have to... but as soon as I tried moving off my "path" I woke up... okay so the dream still isn't to scary... I told you it wasn't... but when I fell back asleep the dream just started over again from the begining... that was the odd/scary part... no matter where I tried to control the dream I would wake up... then fall back asleep and the dream would start again... in the end I eventually let myself run in circles 'till time was up and I don't think it ever ended... but man, when your used to beeing able to nuge your dreams onto the right path... it's really freaky when something like this happens...

oh well, gtg...

I'll blog sometime soon (hopefully),

Friday, April 11, 2003


... well... not much has been happening lately... life been kinda... well... I can't really say dull or boring... it's been kinda like a relaxing break... if you don't count the rush to do four assignments and two projects...

I really don't have anything in particular to talk, that's a first (note the sarcasm)... and I'm not really in the mood to blog... so I guess I'll go now...

The Wonderful and Amazing,

Tuesday, April 08, 2003

Sorry I haven't been updating much lately... we've been getting lot's of projects and assignments at school and I've been really tired... I prolly wont update much in the next lil' while...


Wednesday, April 02, 2003

I got my report card today...
I actuallly have an 81% overall average... it would be a lot higher if gym weren't 67%!!! oh well... that's okay... it's still an A...

OOOh, you know my presure/sinus headaches that are sorta but not really migranes? ... my mom's trying to convince me to drink coffee every morning 'cause caffeine "helps" ... it does... GAH! ... it's soooo annoying... pain killers just make them worse... well except extra-strength midol... it has 60mg of caffeine in it... I just don't want to take them 'cause I'm scared of over using them... I don't want to become immune... I kinda need them for other things... they're the only things that work! ... it's funny... I need caffeine, so I keep eating chocolate... but then I get sick... (I'm after all semi-lactose intolerant)... why is this funny? I have nooo clue... sad... *sigh*... heeheehee... I love midol... it's my savior... I found out about it having caffeine when I was reading the ingrediants before exams last year... gotta love the exam tips about not changing your schedule or your caffeine intake around exam time... sorry but it was pretty inevitable... I kinda had to... no real choice there... unless of course, you wanted me taking exams doubled over with pain... heeheehee... I had lot's of caffeine today... and guess what??? hardly any headaches... yay!!! ...unfortunately I'm now wide awake and exhausted at the same time... have been all day actually... it really isn't a good combination... I haven't been able to form one single coherent sentence yet... then again... I'm never able to form a reasonably short and understandable sentence... I mean look at my blog... my whole paragraph is a sentece... and even when I start a new paragraph... it's not necessarily a new sentece... I really think I should go... this is really just a bunch of gobble-d-gook... not that I don't usually end up typing that anyways...

Shout Outs - Happy Belated Birthday To Koda/SY
- Happy Early Birthday To Jess (since I will be at her house and wont be able to type it then)

Oh, Yes... I almost forgot... I will kill all of my friends that drove by me today after school while I was waiting at the bus stop... why will I kill them do you ask... because they had the nerve to laugh at me!!! and they didn't even bother to offer me a ride :( ... I'm pretty sure the car was full... but still!!!

The Hyperly Exhausted,

Monday, March 31, 2003

mmmmmmmm... you know what I love?
those mapple sugar cady things... mmmmmmmmm... yummy...

ya, so I went to school for first period and half of second today... I had to come home because I had a fever and a bad headache... dundundun... sinuses strike again... yup... I'm really mad about missing tech... as if I'm not behind enough already!!! grrrrrr... and I missed crew... again!... arrgh... I'm starting to get upset... stupid weather... stupid allergies... stupid sinuses... I mean i don't exactly like school... but really!!!.... this is just plain annoying...

well, I gtg... dance

Sunday, March 30, 2003

As I sat here munching on buttered toast... I realised that this was fast becoming a weekly ritual... not the buttered toast, but my sundays... this is the second sunday in a row where I'm wearing a skirt! and not just that, but every sunday for a while now has been my "relax and do chores/projects day"... I mean those don't sound relaxing... but they are... as long as you don't start getting uptight about them...

... hmmmm... haven't blogged in a while... let's see... dance recital in 12wks... soooooo not ready... Friday night I went to the movies with Jubaloo... haven't seen her in forever we went to see "Bringing Down The House" it was actually alot better than I thought it would be... the whole theater spent the whole movie laughing... I had to bury my face in Ju's shoulder quite a bit... damn ppl emberassing themselves... it make me squirm... and I mean squirm!... gah... half the time I can barely watch friends... ugh! and then this ugly guy outside tried to hit on us... *shudders*

... Saturday me and Em went shopping... YAY!!! after walking through the rain and waiting (do they ever come on time?) for the bus... I got a whole buch of "under garments"... I noticed that corsets, of all things, are coming back in style... oh, well... I think they're comfy... some day's I love being female... (and others... well...) I also got two pairs of shorts, a summer dress (I know, I know) and a top... Em got a bunch of stuff too... oooooh that reminds me... she owes me $20... soo anyways... after a while we bumped into some friends of mine and we all hung out for a bit before being forced to take the ttc home... as if taking it there wasn't enough cousins came over for dinner... it was fun... we watched two disney movies (No! I am not too old for them) ... ya sooo...

and then today... did my math ISU... which was actually FUN... umm... ... hmm... ooooooh! I just put together my new bookcase.. yes another one... I now have 5 in my room... heeheehee... but ouchy! my rib is hurting me... I had it put in yesterday mornin' but then shopping and heavy bags popped it out... doing the bookcase by itself (heeheehee... that was a typo but I think I'll leave it... "it" kinda suits me...) prolly didn't help at all... *sigh* ... I donno why I'm happy... I really have no reason to be... I is in pain... *shrugs* ... it's me... I think that pretty much explains everything...

well... bye-d-byez,
The Happily Painful,

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

you know... I was thinking... I think (wow! you do? really?) that I should start doing a "Postly Tip" ... not tip as in pointy, "ouch" tip... tip as in hint... at first I thought I'd do one daily... but I don't post daily... I post postly... but hey!... I don't want to have to tip postly (I'm cheap)... so it's going to be a selectively postly tip (don't you wish you could do that with real tipping... like money tipping?)... the selectively postly tip for today actually started the whole idea... you see... I was brushing my teeth but I got kind of distracted (by a stray thought of selectively postly tipping) )while I was putting the toothpaste on the brush... I was watching myself in the mirror and not in real life... I ended up missing the brush completely and getting it all over my hand instead... so my selectively postly tip (that's really annoying to type, so from now on it's an SPT) is watch your real hands when pasting a toothbrush and not your mirror hands... it should prolly actually be - try not to think too much like Ally... but you know...

another thing... a long long time ago I mentioned making a website... I have decided not too... I barely have time to blog, never mind update... and I am lazy, so any spare time I do have is spent on improving my laziness...

I really gotta go... the screen is starting to warp (maybe it's the time?)...
The Extremely Tired But Hopefully Still Imformative,

Monday, March 24, 2003

I's is tired... even though it's still pretty early... tired, tired, tired... *yawn* ... the problem is, I just can't sleep... *sigh* ... somedays, I really hate being female... but then... I'd never, ever wanna be a guy... I gots no sleep at all last night... and I just had three hrs of dance... gah... no air conditioning, no wind from the window(why do they call them that anyways?)... and the fan was in the other studio... hot!hot!hot!... everyone was drenched... I came home just wearing my body suit and tights... I couldn't even be bothered with my clothes!... oh well it was tiring... but a good tiring... the kind where you feel good but still want to go to bed... but then of course, I had to take a shower... and now, I'm back to wide awake mode... *sigh(yes, I know, again)* ... we were doing tricks and stunts in jazz... it was fun... Hailey did a monkey roll with me... and I kept having to try and do a fan kick roll thing over Tasha's back... Sam was doing a trick and ended up doing a face plant... which wasn't her fault at all and looked really painfull... for a few seconds we all thought she'd broken her nose! ... funfun... we did our solo's in ballet... mine's almost done,Yay!...

well I really should go... I don't even know why I typed this... I guess I was hoping it would help me fall asleep...
The Tiredly Awake(?),

Sunday, March 23, 2003

Hmmm... I'm feeling kinda strange today... sorta... oh... I donno... girlish...

This morning I woke up at around seven and just lazed around for a bit... the sun was shining into my window and everything looked perfect... after a while, I opened my window got out of bed, picked up my book and read... (heeheehee, it rhymes...) I read the whole book before doing anything else... "The Sisterhood Of The Travelling Pants" is such a goooood book... most girls would enjoy it... I donno about guys though... it's about four different friends and their first summer away from each other... it's not at all as sappy as that just sounded... *sigh*... so anyways... I finally got out of bed, took a shower and got dressed... that's where the weird part comes in... I literally "got dressed"... I, Ally, am actually wearing a skirt and nice top for no reason what so ever... I never wear skirts if I can help it... I've also done my nails... not painted mind you *gags*... just cut and filed... I've done all that type of girly primping: my hair, my face, ect... (inbetween doing three loads of laundry... which I supose could also be called a girly thing...) ... and sadly enough... I look like I'm about to go out somewhere... the "sadly enough" part is, that I'm not... I don't even do nearly this much to go to school or out with freinds... oh well... I guess a little self indulgence is needed sometimes... it's just so weird... I actually feel comfy, in a Skirt! ...

well... I should prolly finish my math ISU... It's actually been fun so far... or maybe that's just the strange mood I'm in...
The Oddly Girlish,

ps. It's not like I'm a tomboy or anything (*laughs* me in mud?)... I just hate Impracticle things... namely skirts and pointless primping... I'm not a slob either... I generally look presentable... not always... but generally...

Saturday, March 22, 2003

I saw Chicago!!! it was amazingly fantastic!!! ... it was such a fun movie! ... goodgoodgoodgoodgood... Em thinks Velma and Roxie got what they deserved in the end... having to work together... I'm inclined to agree... I loved Catherine Zeta-Jones...I don't usually like Renee Zellweger but she was good in this one... I didn't think Richard Gear would be all that great... but I love the tap dancing/ court room scene... Queen Latifah was amazing... she was prolly my fav... my fav song was the cellblock tango... I loved that one... I just adored the way the whole movie was put together... I felt sooo sorry for the innocent one *sniff*... I really loved the ending too...

After watching Chicago me and Em went... Shopping!!! I bought a nice pair of gray pants, a gorgeous red sweater top, and a pretty dress top... all for just $40.25... and all good quality too... I just love it when outlet malls have sales, don't you? ... we also went into the book store... honnestly, it's us, what did you expect? heeheehee I got seven books and ordered two more... Em got the same amount... only she didn't order any... yay!!! sixteen more books to read... well 15 really we both bought one of the same books... I truly will end up going broke soon if I don't stop buying so many... I just read so damn fast!!!

Dindin time,
The Happily Hungry,

Sorry most of my posts lately have been about the war... it's just been on my mind alot lately... prolly 'cause of all the media attention... If you don't agree with my views that's fine, I don't expect you too... I for one hate being force fed someone elses oppinions... but if you dissagree please post a comment... I love hearing different peoples view points...

... on that note, I do have a few more things to say... yes the US is a meddlesome war starting country... but I can't say I don't want them to win... now that they're in there, that's the only way... I mean, last time they left the citezens that uprised in 1991 in a horrible position by encouriging them to revolt and then leaving them alone with no backup to face Saddam's wrath... I just don't think that the US should be in there in the first place, they're going about it the wrong way... plus, this paves the way for any other nation to dissregard the UN and throw the whole world into turmoil... I think that the US should have to finish what they started, but that they should be charged for war crimes after this is done...

but of course, that's just my oppinion,
Grrrrr... I think by now everyone knows my take on this "war"...

It's soooooo dumb... isn't this what got us into this mess in the first place... the US insisting on getting rid of another country's leader, just because they don't like them? ... there are plenty worse that Saddam... I'll admit that he really needs to be gotten rid of... he after all, does hold mass public executions and doesn't tolerate anyone saying a single bad thing about him... but what about the genocide going on in Africa? why isn't the US in there? It's so stupid, they're killing so many innocents for something that isn't any of their business... really if it get's that bad, there will be a revolt... after all the US managed to overthrow brittain years ago, and they had no weapons or training! ...yes, lot's of people will be killed for speaking out against Saddam, but it really has to come from within... and if they really wanted help, they'd have asked for it... okay, so their pride might not let them, but that's really their problem... it's not up to us to decide when they need help... we can't, we don't understand thier culture or costoms, we don't live there, we don't know how they think... plus there are so many different cultures and religions in Iraq, that a democracy probably won't work... the US really has this thing about democracy being the only way... no communism, no dictatorship, so why haven't they gone after the monarchies??? okay so dictartors and communist's aren't great, but isn't a monarchy kind of like a dictatorship? one person is ruling... it's not complete totalitarianism (sp?) but it's still there... yes democracy is prolly the best, but it's even better in theory... comunism is great in theory too... it's peoples greed that screws it up...

so anyways... I just realised that I forgot to tell about my annual tree... you see, ever since I started skiing five years ago, I've crashed in to at least one tree per year... my favourite so far, is last year's, a lovely snow ghost (a completely snow covered pine)... I was pratically burried, all the snow came down when I hit it... it all landed on me... this year, I thought it was a dead unatached brach... it unfortunately, wasn't... it was a little, young tree... and when I skied over it, it decided to get me back by comming up and wacking me right in the face... *sigh*... it was funny... just hummiliating too...

well, I'm gonna go, I'm actually going to see Chicago today! YAY!!!
The Excitedly Annoyed,

Friday, March 21, 2003

This war is sooooooo damn pointless...

12 yrs ago the US got pissed at Iraq because they tried to take over the oil wells... and what's the US doing now??? and the whole weapons of mass destruction thing... I suppose the US is allowed to keep theirs because they're not likely to go to war without a reason..? ... *rolls eyes*... okay, so Saddam Hussein(sp?) isn't the greatest person... and the US isn't allowed to send in their CIA agents anymore... but they're still essentially doing the same thing... assasinating and replacing... and doing it the old way created fewer deaths (well, not really)... beside... this whole thing started because..? ...we went from Osama to Saddam, how? I mean, really, the only link I can see between the two is that the US put them both in power and gave them most of thier weapons!!!

...that being said... Kat get's back from Quebec today... she went with the school... hope she had fun...

I had a crappy day... well not really... I had my ribs popped back in... yay! only one didn't go... ugh!... then I was sprayed with axe (I hate that stuff) three times... because, hey, we know Ally hates it most... and then twice more... but this time with a different scent... because guys are stupid and don't know that you cannot... I repeat cannot mix scents!!! ... this resulted in a horribly strong and disgustingly aerosolish smell... it gave me such a bad headache that I had to come home... you should've seen how fast I got into the shower... oh well... I got out of school early... still not worth it... heeheehee... that's okay... I get to plan revenge now... hmmmm... a revoltingly girly smelling perfume would be good... don't you think?

The Stinkily Coniving,

Thursday, March 20, 2003

sorry I haven't blogged in a few days... I've been kinda busy... you know catching up on this whole pathetically pointless U.S./Iraq war thing, my school work and life in general... I'll prolly do a blog on it tomorrow... the war, I mean... I'm just too tired now... I guess 4hrs of dance does that to you... *sigh*... I just felt guilty about not blogging in a while... so here I am! ... blogging... well... finishing blogging anyways...

The Tired But Guilty,

Tuesday, March 18, 2003

... I never mentioned any of the highlights from the trip...
...and there were quite a few...

my cousins who are 11 and amazing (I'm dead serious) skiers going through glades in 10 secs flat and having to wait 20mins at the bottom for us oldies to come down... all us kids spending half a day searching runs for the sugar shack... one of the mothers commenting after a night where we got a light dusting of snow "you know, I think I'll take a lesson to learn how to ski in snow" ... Tash comming in with a block of ice that looked exactly like a dick... we left that one in the freezer for the next ppl in the chalets... Beck singing in the car and driving us all crazy... Beck and her quotes... Tash and her story about the girl she sat beside on the bus in daycare who had a huge, indigo bugger in her nose... staying up late and still waking up earlier than the grownups... all of us watching the first two seasons of friends, one of the girls had them on tape... me going night skiing with a bunch of the adults... who I swear were drunk... I knew they'd had alcohol... I just didn't know they'd had that much... watching the "guys" (the fathers) trying the kokanee buss jump... while drunk...

... good times... *sigh* ... there are so many more than that too... and there were soooo many hillarious quotes... we really need to do this again next year...

The Day Dreaming,
ya - know what???

I was just about to complain about how bored I was and how my friends should update thier blogs 'cause I had nothing to read... when I realised, that I couldn't say anything seeing as how I hadn't updated mine either... so I figure doing as promised and telling about my March Break should alleviate my boredom...

Well, I went on the trip with my aunt, uncle and twin cuz's... heeheehee it was fun!!!... back to the story... we left early Sat morning (as you'll know if you've read my earlier posts...) ... first we drove to Montreal and spent some time visiting my uncles old roomate... his daughter speaks perfect english (and her parents have never heard her say a word of it) and we all speak french... plus the guy is a gourmet cook... you know me... as long as the foods good... the next day we all went tubing... talk about fun!!! then me and my cuz's went skating on these frozen over streets through the woods... man do french canadians ever know how to make ice rinks!!! they even had a sugar shack there!!!

We then went to Mont St. Anne just outside of Quebec City... it was great, we met up with four other families who live on my cousins' street... I've skied with a few of them before and met all the others... we shared two huge chalets and had sooooo much fun... it was weird tho... all us kids were girls!!! so anyways... we skied St. Anne for three days... they had a sugar shack there too!!! it was half way down the mountain, on one of the runs... yummy mapple taffy!!! we had my aunts birthday there too... we bought the cake mix (with her there... oh well she didn't notice *shrugs*)... and then baked it one afternoon while she had a lesson(heeheehee... 2hrs on the moggles... what a b-day!!!)... we told her we were staying in with one of the girls who had hurt herself... and she beleived us!!! she didn't even clue in 'til we brought her cake out that night!!! heeheehee... they tried to do the same thing on my b-day... only with a bought cake... didn't really work tho... the whole original plan was my idea...

On Thursday we went to Massif and skied there for the day... the views there are gorgeous!!! it looks like if you kept skiing at the bottom, you'd go right into the St. Lawrence!!! suposedly you can even whale watch during spring skiing!!! you can really feel the wind there though and everything gets pretty icy pretty quick... on our last two runs I went sliding down this one section on my butt... twice!!! and it was my birthday too!!! oh well, the first time was an accident... I've skied pretty icy mountains before... this section was pure ice though!!! the second time however I got fed up halfway and decided to take the fast and easy way down... besides... it was fun!!!

on the friday we went into Quebec for a quick visit on our way to Vermont where we were going to visit friends of friends (they're amazing cooks too!!!)... they have this great house on one of the mountains... you can't see any neighbours and thier property is like 10acres!!! and it's only a 10 min drive to the ski hill... so on saturday we skied Burke Mountain... which I have to say, was my favourite the whole trip (fave ever is Big White, in the canadian rockies)... the views there were gorgeous too... plus the trails were all cut with the treeline... they were relatively narrow and really nice... my cousins even dragged me onto a double black that was like a really, really steep glade.... have I ever mentioned how much I hate moggles... well, I do!!! ... funilly enough though... I enjoyed that run... maybe it's cause there were lots of trees and it was steep so I wasn't thinking about moggles... who knows...

then... came the nine hour ride home where we all proceded to drive each other nuts... oh well... it was fun!!!

Monday, March 17, 2003

I'm ba-ack!!!

heeheehee... well, I had a lot of fun... we skied three really great mountains and the skiing conditions were pretty good... a lil' icy and windy... but good all the same... I have sooooooo many little stories and funny quotes that I want to tell... but I don't feel very well right now... damn sinus infection is hanging on... and I still have a horible sinus headache... so I guess I'll just sorta post them as I remember them throughout the next few weeks... it was really, really, really fun though... damn it... I dun wanna go back to school... oh well...

oops almost forgot... I need to change my intro thingy...

Happy St. Patty's Day,
I'll blog again later,

Friday, March 07, 2003

heeheehee... I just realised... next time I blog... I'll be fifteen!!! heeheehee... for anybody who cares... (not that anyone does) ... the birthday's on March 13th...

eek... fifteen... scary... *shudders* ... one year closer to everyone having to worry... me driving a car: very frightening thought... heeheehee... 15... that'll be sooooo weird... I already have trouble enough remembering my age... I usually end up telling ppl I'm nine(oops! lol)... gah... I can't wait to go skiing... even if I am sick... ...heeheehee... I wonder what day I'll end up crashing into my annual tree..? I just noticed (I've been noticing alot lately...) I've been "heeheehee-ing" alot... hmmm... I wonder why that is... oh well... I should prolly get going...

The Strangely Hyper, But Still Devastated (I want my biggystaff *pouts*),
kk, I'm just here to say bye... I is going skiing with my cousins at Mt. St. Anne... I is leaving early tomorrow...
and, I honnestly don't remember what day I get back... so lets just say I'll be back at the end of march break...

so anyways...
They can't get rid of my Biggystaff!!! Nonononononono!!!!! they can't!!! Stupid Idiots!... he was the only good thing in the hp movies... noooooo!!! they can't leave him out... Waaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!!! *continues fit for another ten minutes* ... sniffsniff... my only consolation is that Biggystaff will be in lot's more movies... that, and Tom Felton is getting hotter as he gets older... as long as he doesn't desert us, I should be fine...

(...for those of you who don't understand(bad, bad ppl): Biggystaff = Sean Biggerstaff (Oliver Wood in the Harry Potter Movies) really good actor, does stage and film, is really hot, has a sexy voice and has a really great personality (if his online diary can be trusted)... hp = Harry Potter... Tom Felton= Draco Malfoy)

The Extremely Devastated And Horrified,
(ps. wow this post makes me sound like some crazy teenage girl... oh wait!!! that's what I am!!! heeheehee... and yes... I had a celeb crush on Biggystaff... ok, fine *have*)

Tuesday, March 04, 2003

I'm actually doing stuff on my blog... I guess I'm not as lazy as I think I am... (does that make any sense?) ... I'd say I'm doing pretty well for a person who knows absolutely nothing about html... I feel pretty talented... I have an Imood(which tells you I'm talented, and if you click on it, it might tell you why...) I have comments... (mostly so I can have something to read when I'm bored)... and I have a tag-board... just 'cause it's fun to play with...

I gonna go now 'cause my head is kinda hurting...
ps. use those comment buttons!!!
YAY!!! I get to take gr.11 philosophy next year!!! I'm soooooo happy!!!

Yesterday was "bubble day" at school... you have to take your approved course selections and transfer them to these bubble card thingys... you know those computer cards where you fill in the circles with an HB pencil?... anyways... I'm rather dissapointed in my school... you'd think with it being called "bubble day" and all... that the "bubbles" might actually be round... they weren't... honnestly, whose ever heard of rectangular bubbles???

... I know there was something else I wanted to blog about, but I can't quite remember what it is... grr... I hate when that happens!!!
... I finally went to school on a monday yesterday... and you know what??? the crew meeting was cancelled... aghk... that's just sooo my luck... I don't know why I wasn't expecting it!!! *sigh* ... oh well, that's what gives my other wise torturously mundane life some spark... keeps me from going completely and totally insane... which is, well, rather important seeing as how I'm not too far off...

my math teacher and my science teacher were supposed to learn how to snowboard yesterday... one got sick and the other fell down the stairs and hurt herself... we're not too sure that they both aren't perfectly fine and just faking it... speaking of injury/sickness... the reason I'm home yet again today... is another one of those (bleeping) pressure changes... I hate my head... the damned thing is pounding... yes I know the compy's prolly not helping much... but I really needed something to do!

I really should get off this thing before my head explodes...
The Really Bored and... well... bored?,

ps. don't forget to comment

Sunday, March 02, 2003

It's screwing up!!!!!!!!!

Oh goody... I just spent an hour trying to fix my evil ucky blog!!!
Ally now has comments... she finally got off her lazy arse and did something!!!
Comment ppl comment!!!
I feel like writing today...

I have no idea why, I just do... good thing too! I have to write a story for my math ISU (don't ask, we have to right an interesting story about a graph... well, the stuff that's been graphed... not the graph itself) which should be entertaining... heeheehee my story is confizzeling... and I just finished doing an overdue health assigment... which was, surprisingly enough, fun to write... I had to write a letter to my parents telling them that I had either an STD or that I was pregnant... I chose to write a letter to my mom telling her I was pregnant... I even made up this whole little senario with this party and this guy and ya... it was fun...

grrr... I still feel like writing, but I have nothing to write about!!! gah!!! that's not good... It's also strange 'cause I actually feel "normal"... which, for me is unatural because I'm never "normal"... I'm usually out of it, weird, insane, crazy, wacky, cuckoo, nutty... I think you understand... anything but "normal"... notice the quotation marks around "normal"... what is normal?... to me being weird is normal... to someone else, being calm and quiet it normal... to me that's insane... who wants to be calm and quiet??? loud people all the way!!!

OOH!!! I get to go skiing on the March break!!! YAY!!! I can't wait!!! I haven't been skiing all year!!! funfunfun, happyhappyhappy!!! yupyup... I'm going with my lil' cuzs... well, they're not really little... the twins are almost 12... and they're way better skiers than I am... heeheehee that's the twins... the little twins are almost two and the big twins (my aunts) are almost 39... I can't wait!!! too bad my mom can't come... she hasn't been skiing all year either... :p

well I think I'm gonna go work on math now...
The Wonderfully Amazing and Awe-Inspiring,

... hey... I'm feeling normal again... as in my normal... crazy-normal...

Friday, February 28, 2003

Gah!!! Ally hasn't blogged alot lately... bad, bad Ally...

heeheehee... Ally will be 15 on March 13th... that is a very scary thought... Ally will be able to drive in a year and thirteen days... this is an even scarier thought... Ally will also be able to date in the previously stated amount of time... well... Ally can date now... she'd just have to pay mommy dearest $100... Ally likes her money... very, very, very much... damn bet... oh well, it's really all my fault... I did make the bet.. my mom warned me not too... it's not like the money's a big deal... well... it is... it's just not the main reason I'm sticking to the bet... I need to prove that I can do it... grrrr... if I don't my mom will never let me live it down... I will win... plus... if I win I get the $100...

oooooh!!! yesterday was soooooo funny... we spent all first period (math) doing the wave... we were trying to figure out if the relationship between the amount of people and the time the entire wave takes is linear... I'm still not sure... I somehow don't think so tho... heeheehee, it was hilarious, before we left, my math teacher (who likes to play tricks on my science teacher) told us that when she came into the room she wanted us to all get up, take our chairs into the hall and not say a word... she came in when my science teacher was helping someone and not paying attention... so we all got up, took our chairs and went out... even the person he was helping... leaving him kind of confused... she got both her class and ours to line our chairs up in the hallway so that the forty-some-odd of us could do the wave... it was soooooooooooo funny... she wouldn't let us talk unless we were chearing during the wave... some of the guys had sentences going down the line... *sigh* somedays school is actually fun...

later that day we went to Ryerson (Uni) to do this GIS thing for Geo... it was... interessting..? ... well getting there was fun... my teacher didn't know where the geo department was... so she sent us off in groups of three to see who could find it in ten minutes... one of the groups was smart... they went to the info desk... the trip back was... argh!... the geo curse struck again... every time we go on a geo trip the bus comes an hour late... grrrr... I missed jazz... at least I got there in time for my pointe class, yay!!! so I didn't miss ballet or lyrical either...

today, was a relatively boring day... the only thing worth noting was the homophobia presentation during english... it was pretty good... there were some interessting little tidbit's of info... not much... but hey, I got to miss english... it was pretty pointless though seeing as how none of us are homophobic... I mean, what's there to be scared of? you like who you like... I happen to like guys, I have some (female) friends who like girls... big deal...

well it's getting late and I'm tired and ucky feeling (somedays beeing female is so not fun),
The Happy but Hurting,

Wednesday, February 26, 2003

Hello all,

I'm tired today... actually... I'm always tired...

ooooooooooooooohhh!!! I'm soooooo proud of myself... you know how I can't draw a strait line??? even using a suposedly unfailable T-square??? well... guess what!!! today in tech I had to saw some wood... for my electrical board... anyways... when I finished sawing... I noticed something odd... it was strait!!! ... strange eh?

Grrrrr!!! I'm gonna kill Andrew... he pulled my wrist and hyper extended it... oh, no it wasn't bad enough that my ankle was already hyper extended and slightly twisted, and that my hip was locked and my ribs popped(heeheehee that sounds funny)... no, he had do destroy the rest of my left side as well... ... oh well, I went to my chiropractor and she fixed my ribs(which I promptly popped out again... and not intentionally)... she couldn't do anything for my hyper extended extremities... that's okay... I'm used to this stuff... damn body... damn left side especially... gah... I feel really sorry for my "friend" rob tho... he ripped his hamstring and tore two ligaments in his knee... or was it tore his hamstring and ripped two ligaments..? either way "ouch!" ...

Gah!!! I think I should kill my mom (wow! two people in one day)... I take a nice long shower every wednesday (and I mean long... 45mins-1hr...)... it's my only real "free" day... she knows this... I've been doing it since September... today however, she seemed to have forgotten... she called and I didn't answer... usually I go across the street after school, so she called there... when they said I wasn't there, she freaked... so, I finally get out of the shower and the phone starts ringing... the first thing my mom says "where have you been I've been calling for over half an hour" ... um... in the shower... so she started yelling at me about worrying her and how I hadn't called to say I was home... I personally thought she'd gone nuts... I haven't called to say "I'm home" since gr.6... ...besides I stayed out really late in the summer... and she never cared as long as I had my cell... a well... it made for a rather interessting and funny night... and here I thought I'd be bored...

The Sadly Amused,

Monday, February 24, 2003

ARGHH!!! I hate both people and the ttc!!!

First, I woke up a lil' late this mornin' 'cause I'm still not feeling all that well... then I waited at the bus stop for almost 35 mins and no bus came... (I can see the stop from my mom's window... the other guy who was waiting for it is still there...) okay I like the cold... I could prolly have waited a bit longer... plus it's not all that cold... but you see the guy waiting beside me was already on his... oh, I donno... third cigarette!!! Ally is allergic to smoke, she doesn't feel well and it's cold outside... eventually I just decided it wasn't worth it, especially if the markham bus is just as late and I have to wait there too... besides, by the time I got to school I would've missed my french presentation anyways... so here I am, at home... missing yet another monday!


Saturday, February 22, 2003

Continuing on the topic of dance... I think my dance teacher has gone nuts... she expects me to be able to do three set's of syncopated(wow that word is getting used alot) chainees in a row, all going in different directions... and not fall over... first let me explain, a chaine(btw, the e has an accent egu on it) is basically, step out, step together, step out, done turning... a set of syncopated chainees is anything with a rhythm... these particular ones are one slow, two fast... the reason I have to do three sets in a row is 'cause we do them in my lyrical dance... only you see we sort of do them in a pattern of strange lines... all going different ways at different times... I happen to be the only person whose ends up in one of the lines that moves every single time... ME of all people.. me, the clutz!!! yeesh!!! oh well... I told her that if I fall of the stage it wont be my fault...

... wow I've been talking about dance alot lately... hmm... time for another topic...

I need something to read!!! I'm going insane!!!... no... wait a minute... ( there!)!!!)... (I sincerely advise you never to do that... it will prolly drive you mad...) now... as I was saying before I waited the minute (1...) I can't go insane... I'm already there!!! oh well... I'll just bring everyone else with me... unless I get something to read soon... speaking of books... I read the first book in the Amelia Peabody series on thursday... very, very good book... but, man, is that woman ever infuriating... Emily and her mom both claim that Amelia reminds them of me... sadly enough... it's true... she even reminds me of me..

I have lot's more to blather about... but I think I shall refrain from typing it... that way, if i'm still bored later on, I can come back and blog some more...

GRRRR!!! my little back arrow button isn't working... and it's driving me cra... er... sane?

The Very, Very, Very, bored... and mildly anoyed(with her keybored),
I had fun last night... Elite Syncopations is just as good as I remembered...

because Elite Syncopations is so short... the ballet usually puts in other short ballets as the other acts... this time there were four... the first act was Napoli Excerpts, which I really enjoyed... it was all grand allegro and grand batteman(sp?)... and the ending was like a giant party with tamborines and scarves... the second act was two really short ones, Le Specter De La Rose and Judgement Of Paris... Le Specter was about a girl with who comes home from a ball and is holding/smelling a rose and remembering the evening... when she falls asleep and the roses "spirit" jumps in through the window (yes, I know... I thought that was a bit odd too) and dances with her in her dream... then she goes back to sleep and he jumps out of the window... it was quite amusing... just the way he jumps out... all nonchallant... you really expect a huge "crash"... when I mentioned this to Em, who was sitting beside me... she said, and I quote "No, that would only happen if you were the one dancing" ... :P

the second half of the second act had everyone laughing... it was sort of a spoof on the roman myth "The Judgement of Paris" where Paris has to judge which of the goddesses (Minerva, Juno and Venus) is the most beautiful... well in this version "Paris" is the last costomer at a old fashioned pub... the goddesses are played by, what looked to me like, wemen acting like drunk men, who were trying to be sexy wemen... it was hillarious!!! the whole theatre was craking up... all of the "wemen" had a prop, a fan, two hoops or a feather boa... Emy claims that the two brunettes were exactly like me... and I kept trying to tell her that the blonde was her... anyways... at the end, Paris, having drunk so much (can you blame him?) falls asleep and the three um... girls?... steal his money...

...and then... there was Elite Syncopations... it was soooooo much fun... it was ragtime music... and the stage is set up like a dance competion... and everyone had their parteners... except for this one guy who kept trying to steal everyone else's ... the "dances" in the competition are really funny... especially the one where the girl is taller than the guy and keeps trying to lead... it's not so much the actual dances that I love tho... it's the little things going on in the "audience"... the one on stage I mean... like one time there'll be a "hot" girl dancing, and one of the guys is supposed to be talking to his partener, but he keeps getting "distracted"...there were lot's of little things like that... oooooh... and another really neat thing about Elite Syncopations is that they actually have the actual band onstage! ... it's really funny... all of the costumes of everyone on stage are bright and multi-coloured and just generally strange looking... even the conductor's!!! he looked remarkably like a clown...


Friday, February 21, 2003


I'm just gonna make a quick blog (I will not make the "quicky" mistake again) 'cause I gotta get ready to go to the ballet...

I added another link to the sidebar "MistyMountainMan" freind from school... go read it, very entertaining...
Argh! I didn't end up presenting my geo today... I'll do it on tuesday... ugh... that means I went to school for nothing... oh well... I had fun... as much as you can have at school anyways...

I gtg,
I'll catch up on my bloging tomorrow,

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Akkk!!! ...on the topic of me reading my own blog... I just noticed that quite a few posts ago, when I was typing and had hardly any time... I said "Quicky"... ... ...hmmmmmm... not only are my posts getting read, but their mistress is going red...

... well that was really strange... I just had a flashback of going to dance on monday... over my tights I wore my pj bottoms 'cause I was too lazy to find anything else... now these pj pants are baby blue with lil' angel's all over them... don't ask... my cousin bought them for me for x-mas... and even tho devils would prolly suit me better... I adore them... anyways... as I'm walking across the parking lot... my mom looks at me and she says "you know, those really look like pajama pants"... no *gasp* really??? I've only had them for 2yrs... and you always see them on the drying rack... ...I'm not quite sure what the relevance of that little blurb was... but hey... it's there... I'm too lazy to delete it... so I guess it'll just have to stay...
Ugh... I really have caught that cold.... strange really I generally have trouble catching things... colds, flus, balls... only lately I seem to be catching more and more things... not the balls though... I still have trouble with those... I never used to get sick... ugh...

Well... nothing much happened today... again... I swear, I lead the most boring life in existence... makes me wonder why people even bother to read this thing... they prolly don't... every time I type here I'm prolly just talking to myself... pathetic really... oh well, atleast it's getting read... and I know I get enjoyment out of it...

OOOOOOOOOH!!!! I'm going to see Elite Syncopations on friday!!! I love that ballet!!! I haven't seen it in something like 4 whole yrs!!! oooooh!!! I'm so excited!!! happy happy happy... ... pretty bad... I'm getting excited over a ballet... meh... it's a good one... not quite balletic tho... and more fun than the average one...

I am, as of now, officially done my geo... well, the write up anyways... my group presents before "the prime minister" aka Mr Grigg... or as he wanted to be called... The Dictator... on friday... wish me luck *wishes herself luck*

...well... I think... I'm gonna go now...

Tuesday, February 18, 2003

Heeheehee... look at what I can do!!!

heeheehee! :P

...I keep seeing my friends blog about themselves and I keep meaning to do a blog all about me... well ya... so the whole blog is all about me... but I haven't yet done a blog all about all about me... you understand??? ...good... 'cause I don't... I mostly haven't done one 'cause I'm too lazy... hance the "lazy" part of my name... so for anyone who really, trully actually cares... there's a link to my msn profile on my sidebar... I promise, I will eventually blog about me though... not that anyone prolly cares... but still...

The Very Lazy and Somewhat Colour Happy,
Good Evening!!!

I have officially decided that I either have a very strong sense of self control, or that I have a very manipulative consience... and seeing as how my self control is decent at best... and I am, after all, me... I'm more inclined to believe that my consience is manipulative... ... ...and now that I have you all asking "what the hell is the maniac blathering about this time?", I will explain.

I had this little french project to work on, and I was kinda putting it off... but I had nothing to do... so I figured I'd blog... but you see, everytime I would open this window... I couldn't think of anything to type... and now, I've finished my french project, and the first thought that came to my mind was... hey! I wanna blog... so, here I am... blogging... about my manipulative consience and how it wouldn't let me blog 'til I finished my french... how fascinationg...

Absolutley nothing hapened at school today... in fact... it was rather dull... so I went home... and that was dull too... and now I'm blogging... and more than likely... this'll be just as... mundane... ha! got ya!... you thought I was gonna say "dull" again didn't ya??? heeheehee... hey, don't look at me like that... I need to do something to make life interesting!

Well I guess I'll go now... that way I can be boring somewhere else...
The Very Bizare And... well... Allyish,

Monday, February 17, 2003

Ugh! ... this morning I woke up with a terrible sinus headache... again!!! Damn pressure chage!!! was... try to stand up... fall back down... not good...not good at all... I prolly, really should go see the doctor 'bout that... it's been going on for 3yrs now... you know what??? I really do think I caught Stewy's cold... it's so pathetic... before last year I never got sick... not even when I was little... I didn't go to school today... which means so far I've missed every single crew meating since we got back from exams... great... like I'm ever gonna be trusted... Oh well...

On a brighter, more funny note... I was searching the 100 some odd book shelves in this house for a book on National Parks for geo and I came across one of my mom's old books... "Secrets About Men Every Woman Should Know"... now, how could I resist checking out something with that type of tittle... me being, nosy lil' Ally??? uhuh, I don't think so... the chapter on the 'Top Twenty Turn Off's For Men" did make a rather interessting read... it was especially funny to hear about some of the things that women actually did... honnestly, putting on makeup to have sex??? insiting on organizing the evening a week before... lying there like a corpse... wearing jewlery to bed and constantly rearanging yourself so you look nice??? wonder the men were turned off... even I think that's lame...
...apperantly my mother had completely forgotten about the book's existence... I showed it to her when she got home... and she proceded to read it right through dinner!

... so anyways... my headache tuned down around 2:00, so I did go to dance... I don't think that was the greatest idea however, as we spent most of my ballet class rolling around on the ground from laughing so hard... I don't think I could describe what was so funny... it was one of those "you had to be there" things... this might seem like a fun thing... all that laughter... but let me tell you... anyone whose ever had a sinus headache knows... laughter creates pressure... this multiplies the pain about ten fold... okay, it was still fun... just... painfully so...

well I need to go edit the last of my geo,
I'm almost done!!!

Sunday, February 16, 2003

OOOOOOOOOOOOOOH!!!!!! Aggy-Head got a BLOG!!! it's or the link in my links section works too!!! GO PPL, GO!!! but be warned... Aggy can be very very scary...

YAY!!! Emmy gave me her url!!! it's Dazma's Views on the sidebar or ...damn! that site is s-l-o-w...

... Wow... I've spent the whole, entire day working on my geo project... and you know what??? I'm still not done!!! ... come to think of it tho... that may be because I took long enough breaks to watch two movies and read an entire sappy romance novel... sometimes I love those things... them and chick flicks are great when you don't want to think... otherwise it's sci-fi/fantasy books and action movies all the way!!!

... GAH!!! I thik I'm getting a cold.. damn Stewy :P... anyways... ya, so Em had her B-day party last night... it was lot's o' fun... we mostly sat around and chatted, or played pathetic games of spin the bottle and truth or dare... you'd think we'd've grown outta them by now... oh well, I saw a few ppl I haven't seen in a while and met some new ones...

...I really should go... geo calls... oh, no wait... that's my mom... either way, I gtg...
Ally (who seems to be taking another break)

Saturday, February 15, 2003

I just read a really interessting article in the National Post... it was on diamond mining and these two Canadian Women, who found a giant deposit in Nunavut. It was really cool how they got to "live in the bush" and not care about how they looked, then come back to the city and get all dressed up for work and parties... plus, the got to work with rocks!!! I love geology!!! Rocks, rocks and more rocks! I think I wanna be a geologist when I'm older, but I'm not too sure... 'cause as you may have noticed, I also really love philosophy and auto tech... and astronomy, and history, and anthropology...and dance and circus arts too... you get what I'm saying??? I love way to many things... I honnestly can't decide what I want to be... I only know that I absolutely have to travel...

... speaking of auto tech, while I was at the auto show, I saw some really, really neat cars... one of the concept cars the KCV-1 by Kia was completely and totally computerized... instead of sideview mirrors, it had cameras that transmited the images to a screen on your dashboard!!! There was also this car made almost entirely out of fiber glass!!! Jaguar had an "all aluminum" car called and XJ that was painted this magnificent shade of teal... and the car itself was just gorgeous... there was a rather entertaining concept car by Mazda, it looked kind of old fashioned and was called the "secret hideout"... all of it's seats folded down to make a flat surface, and as the lady standing next to me said "I wouldn't want to go on a date in that car, you know what the guy would be thinking!" at which point I just started cracking up, especially because her husband was just standing there staring at her... another car that had me cracking up was the BMW Z8... with all it's features it cost approx. $200 000... and here's the funny part... it used 17.6 litres/100 km of gas in city driving... and it was only a V8 engine!!! not only do you have to hand over your life savings to pay for the car, but you go broke paying for the gas with todays prices too!!!

... All in all I had a really great time... as you may have noticed from my earlier post... it was especially funny on the ride home where we took two subways, the RT and a bus and didn't have to pay for any of it... that was really, really (I use that word a lot) strange, and I'm still not sure how we managed it...

Well, Aurevoir,
from the (continuously) procrastinating,

Friday, February 14, 2003

Ahh... I'm gonna take a quick brake from my geo...

I recently decided that I am the only one who actually, really, truly, exists... you see... in science, we are doing astronomy, and while I was reading about the formation of stars I noticed something... stars are formed by gravity... okay, so I can understand that... there's a cloud of particles/debris and they all get pulled into the biggest one and then when the stars are finished forming, other things get pulled into orbit and yadda yadda yadda... but the thing is, the text book said that gravity is everywhere and always working... well then why are we still alive and able to move... and not some giant mass of condensed stuff... and another thing... the universe... it can't be the only one... for it to actually exist there has to be others to see it... otherwise we see it, but were in it, which means that.. well ya... so okay maybe there are gods, but either they're in our universe or another one... and if there in another, are there others? and where are those? and what do they exist upon??? ... and another thing... the big bang(which I guess I sorta believe in)... o-k-ay... so we just appeared... well we obviously appeared somewhere... but where did we come from? (by we I mean the things created in the big bang)... and the somewhere we appeared into, where did it come from???

... There now that I've gotten all that out, and thoroughly confused myself in the process, I will explain... In order to save my self the headache of sorting out all of that gobbledygook... I simply decided that nothing exists... only you see... this causes a whole bunch more strange and crazily confusing thoughts to invade my head... like well then how can I think? and, what are we, if we don't exist???... so to save myself from that headache, I decided that we exist... and as a compromise between the two headaches... I decided, that only I exist and that whole universe, gravity and everyone/everything else are all figments of my very overactive imagination... thus saving my non-existent sanity and solving the problem of having a headache...

Well now... I was planning on going a little more into detail 'bout the car show... but I think I'll just leave you guys with that and save it for another time...
lot's of V-day luv,
from the very confusing yet amusing,
Happy Valentines Day!!!

Well, I had a really, REALLY fun day... everyone in my school that takes tech went to the Autoshow today... YAY!!! OMG, it was soooooooo much fun... we saw some really wacky concept vehicles, and some really wacky "normal" vehicles... And then there were the Lamborghinis, Maseratis, Feraris, BMWs, Porches and Mercedes-Benz's... those... especially the first three, were in a class all their own... It was soooooo much fun... ooooooooh... all those cars!!! I really, really, really and I mean really, wanna go back!!!

I guess I'll go work on my geo project fun! not... I'd rather be looking at my free brochures and posters... but nooo, I have geo! ...Ugh,

PS. Happy Birthday Em!

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

I've been working on my damn geo project all night... my group spent 3hrs arguing over where to meet... it was quite funny... a shame no one saved that convo... I really have nothing much to say... well actually I have lot's, I just have no time to say it... I'll prolly add it all on to tomorrows post... well byebyes for now, Ally

Tuesday, February 11, 2003

OOOH! Ally is bored...

YAY!!! I just found out that I'm not failing gym... this is truly amazing, seeing as how I haven't participated in approximately 4 months... I'm getting 68%... aparently my written assignments and health stuff are really good and are bringing my mark up... YAY!... Ugh! I have this huge geo assignment due on next wednesday, and no time to do it... well not counting the time I'm taking to write this...

...You know what??? I'm sick of people arguing over whether or not dance is a sport... quite simply it's not... and dancers don't get mad at me, I'm one of you... sports people don't start cheering either... dance is not a sport, it's not an artform either, it a mix of the two... I classify it with syncronized swimming, gymnastics, figure skating and circus arts... they're all a mix of art and sport... and anyone who does them professionally has to be a very highly conditioned athelete...

well... now that that little rant's done... I don't think I have much else to talk about... wow... I don't think I ever remember a time were Ally had nothing to say... oh wait... there have been lots... she just usually keeps on talking anyways... kinda like now...

The Very Chatty,

Monday, February 10, 2003

OOOOOOOOOOH!!! well Ally had a good day today...

it didn't start out all that great... first she got back that stupid little french test she didn't know about... 62.5% (EEK) oh well... it doesn't count for much... besides my other french marks are all 80's & 90's... Then the day got better... (other than forgetting about the crew meating at lunch)... I found out that instead of failing the drafting section of my tech course... (Ally has trouble drawing straight lines with rulers... rulers include set-squares and t-squares)... I'm actually getting 62%, this means that instead of a 58% overall tech average, it's 72%!!!!! YAY!!!!
After that, the day got even better... when Ally got home she found a heart of Ferrero Rochers(chocolates) in her mailbox along with a valentines card... heeheehee, it was my valentines present from my dad... man, does he ever know me well... The mail seems to be bringing me good luck today, 'cause I also got my signed copy of "Dragonlords Justice" YAY!!!

Now... if only my week will continue on this strain of fun & good stuff... I will be a very happy person... well maybe not on Valentine's Day... I don't even have a boyfriend... meh... we're going to the Canadian International Auto Show for tech on the 14 anyways, YES!!!!! funfunfun!!! Ally likes cars...

well, I'll be off, I gotta go to dance,
The seemingly hyper and easily excited,

Sunday, February 09, 2003


Ally has returned...

Well, I had a fun weekend... my cousins have a little 3yr. old boy... he's soooooo adorable... he speaks fluent Hungarian and Romanian (I'm useless in both) and can count in french... as you can tell, he's really smart... almost too smart for his own good(he's still really, really cute)... it only took him around five minutes to figure out how to lock/unlock the car doors and how to do up and undo seatbelts... you can imagine how that went... Oh well, we had fun.

The Very Tired,

Thursday, February 06, 2003

Just a quick note before I pack and go to bed... I got 87% on my Geo exam YAY!!! ... sad... out of the three classes that had exams this term... the one I'm worst at I did best on and the one I'm best at I did worst on... oh well...

Be back next week,

Wednesday, February 05, 2003

I was really (I stress the really) bored and just randomly surfing the net... when, I happened to come upon a discussion related to wether or not toilet paper should come out from above or underneath (odd I know, but hey, boredom can do some weird things to your mind) I've actually come across a few things on this topic before and find it strangely entertaining... especially the thing about male and female stereotypes... funnily enough, I've noticed that it's true...

"It's a constant battle at my house with toilet paper and paper towels in the workshop or kitchen. I'll put it coming over the top, a female will change it coming under the bottom, I'll change it back. It's endless.

I was told, and believed it, and have since fully rationalized it, that it was a difference in sexes. Men, anatomically speaking, sort of fall out from above, while women sort of slide up from underneath. Men, characteristically, like things spilling over the top, or overflowing, while women, emotionally, like to have things tucked away safely. Historically, men participated in activities which aggressively had them throwing things overhand. Hunting, throwing spears, swinging clubs, football, baseball, etc... Historically, women participated in activities which gently had them carrying things underhand. Picking berries, roots, and plants, holding infants secure. Men are into high fives a lot more than women. When men are victorious, we throw our hands in the air in a victory dance, reaching for the sky. When women are victorious, they want a big warm hug. Yeah okay, some overgeneralizations, but it's hard for puny humans to overcome millions of years of evolution in just a few short centuries."

- George S.

...earlier I said that the stereotype thingy's were true... actually I've noticed two exceptions to that rule... both me and my mother like our toilet paper the "male" way, and can't stand it the "female" way... meh... who knows...

Oops! I almost forgot... I'm going to Montreal for the weekend to visit family (they just moved from Romania... they're hungarian... don't ask) with my dad... I probably wont be able to post again until sunday or tuesday (yes, I know, I'm missing monday, but I have dance) ... Oh and I've added another link to a friends site... go and see.

'Til next week,
Well... I had an Interessting day today...

I actually went to school despite the evil pounding headache... the only reason I even went was to hand in my course selection sheet (math, science, english, french, drama, history, civics/careers(ugh!) and philosophy)... after going to french, first period, and actually writting the vocab test (which I had no idea about and was so not prepared for... my teacher did offer to postpone it... but there was no way I was going to school at 8:30 am for a tiny test) I found out that I didn't even have to go to class because it was crew day!... let me explain, crew day is a day where the entire stage crew (which I am on) cleans up the crew office, the stage, back stage and anything to do with props/costumes and the general auditorium... So after running around and getting work from the past two days and the stuff I was going to miss today... I had a remarkably fun day of cleaning the most disgusting bathroom you've ever seen, tidying the crew office and hand sewing little tags saying "Woburn Theater" onto costumes... and when I say "fun", I do actually mean it! People were "testing" the equipment, which was extremely amusing and everyone had fun chatting(not whistling?) while we worked...

EEH! I'm so proud of myself... I got a 74% on my math exam... (wow... now there's a mark I never thought I'd be proud of... until this year that would've been a huge dissapointment... 'specially in math) and I got 78% on my english... no surprise there... Now i just need to find out my Geo...

Well I guess I'll be going now... have fun whatever you do...

Tuesday, February 04, 2003

GAH!!! I'm really bored can you tell??? My headache is pretty much gone... and now I have absolutely nothing to do...


Really, I do... I just finished a book called Rhapsody... it was really good, though I think girls may enjoy it more than guys... I'll need to go and get the next 2 books in the series, Prophecy and Destiny... gotta love those names... Also, for anyone who cares, Joanne Bertin has self-published Dragonlord's Justice (short story/prequel to her series) if you want it, go to

OOH I'm so happy! I'm two books away from owning all of the Douglas Adams books... If you don't know who he is, you aren't fit to speak to me... it's scary... I spend (way) over $200 on books a year... it's kinda depressing, most girls would spend that on clothes and make-up... ok, so I spend money on that too... but still... most of my money goes to books and junk food...heeheehee... anyone who knows me, knows my feelings about food... somedays I actually think it may rank higher than books on the "what Ally loves most scale"... I know chocolate definetly does... speaking of chocolate, did you know that something like 1 out of every 3 wemen would give up sex for chocolate... heeheehee I honestly can't say what I like more, not having had the latter... but given what I've heard... I can't say I wouldn't be one of them...

I really need to read the Anne Rice novels (wow, books-chocolate-sex- and back to books again... I have one hell of a strange mind) I keep hearing things about them... then again there's a whole list of books I want to read sitting on my desk and I've barely started on them... So little time, So many books!

I STILL HAVEN'T SEEN CHICAGO!!! (eek... I've been yelling alot this post) and I really want to see it too!

hmmm... I know there was something else I was gonna blog about, but my short term memory is nothing if not horrible... my long term memory on the other hand... I can remember conversations from when I was five! ... oh well, it'll prolly come back to me in the middle of the night and wake me up... I of course, will be much too lazy to jot it down... so, to those of you who honnestly care (though I have no idea why you would) I highly doubt you'll ever find out, but good luck anyways.

Bedy-byes (well... not for a while), from the bored yet fascinating (why else would you be reading her thoughts),
Just a quick post... (wow two in one day, I'm impressed!)... If you're insane enough that you actually enjoy reading my blabbering, here are some other blogs you might have fun reading:

A joint blog with some friends a.k.a. LOGSers (beware, reading this is treacherous, can cause loss of sanity) -

and blog by one of my fellow LOGSers, Ace (also linked to her domain, she's a very good artist, you must look) -

I also added them as links on the side, just under my lil' intro... now, to get Emmy and Aggy to either get or gimme thier blog addys...
Well... there goes Ally, breaking her promises... honnestly, I don't even know why I bother making them anymore!

I really have nothing new to blog about... other than the pounding headache that's kept me out of school for the past two days... not that that's a bad thing... well, the headache is...

OOOOh it was my (sorta) lil' sis's (Kat's) b-day on the 2nd... *shudders* she is now a teenager... I feel old... It was kind of funny tho, my little cousins were insisting that she was a groundhog because her birthday is on groundhog day... heeheehee

GAH!!! I hate febuary... well not really... but still... my big sis's b-day, my cousins b-day and my best friends b-day are all in a row... 12th, 13th, 14th... I'm always broke... heeheehee... I need to annoy Em (my bff)... she hates hearts, her b-day being on valentines and all... now... to find a way to incorperate hearts in her present...

well I gtg, the screen is starting to hurt my head (I wonder if I should stop hitting myself with it?)
ttyl, byes,

Friday, January 31, 2003

EEK!!! when I decided to have a blog I promissed myself I would update daily... IT'S BEEN TWO DAYS!!! Oh well...I'm here now, and I promise I will Blog at least twice a week.

I was suposed to see chicago yesterday... never got too... I really want to see it... I keep hearing such good things about it!

I'm thinking of starting a website... sorta like a giant blog... it'll be made up of random thoughts and rants... I'll keep this blog for day to day stuff and probably have them linked... yes, yes... I know... so far I haven't been very insane... and I still haven't finished even fixing this thing up, and here I am taking on another project... but hey! it'll work... I hope

Wednesday, January 29, 2003


I finally got the tag board to move into the right place!!! GO ME!!!

It's pretty sad... the only html I actually know is stuff I learnt when I used to frequent message boards... you know, text, colours... that stuff... and here I am... stupid lil' Ally, trying to rearange her page... oh well... it worked... took me an hour to move two things and make one wider... but it worked!!!

yes... so anyways on the topic of my exam... I never did get around to doing more than flip through the book, but that's ok... the exam was really easy... my math exam I'm worried about tho, hardly anyone actually finished and those of us who did didn't get a chance to look it over and we rushed... oh well... I don't think there's ever been a math test where I haven't made a stupid mistake so this'll be nothing new...

on a brighter note... I had the whole afternoon off... YAY!!! and would actually be doing something now if I hadn't decided to be my lazy self...

well... hopefully I'll update soon...
off to Em's,
I'll be on again later to do some updating and editing... I really should get the tag board out of the post section and onto the sidebar/description area... and I need to make that wider... oh well... I'm much to lazy.. heeheehee, lazy ally... I really do promise that as soon as the whole thing is edited and working I'll let you into the insanity... but right now working on the site is making it sound more like profanity than anything else...

I'll update later, gotta go take a shower and get to my best friend's house before she rips my head off... I donno 'bout you but I'm kinda attached to it...

Tuesday, January 28, 2003

Well, it's finally up and running... of course it's also 11:15 pm and I have an exam tomorrow... which being me, I STILL haven't studied for... Oh well... at the moment i'm tired and sick and will think of evil teachers and their evil torture devices (aka. exams) in the morrow... when, I will most likely end up waking up late and not getting a chance to study... *sigh* that's the story of my life... then again... it is my fault seeing as how I had the entire day off today... but really don't most people have better things to do that studying?

well g'night,
from the grumpy and somewhat pessimistic sounding,
Test run...