... *sigh*...
I was bored and just meandering 'round the net, when I noticed that I hadn't blogged in forever, so, I continued meadering until I arrived here... and figured that I should say something...
... okay... there we go... I've said something, and now I can leave... but I won't... y'know it's really weird... I really hate writting, and yet, last year I was really into the whole blog thing... and now, I'm back to normal old me... well... that is, nornal
for me... we all know that normal for me is extremely abnormal for just about everyone else on the planet... and now, I'm just babbling... why am I babbling? I have no idea... I'm assuming it has something to do with avoiding my english project... which, I probably really should be doing...
... it's weird... I feel like everything I'm writting about makes my life sound depressing... meh... life's great... it's just that I don't really feel like blogging all about the entertaining things that happen in my day anymore... I mean, who really cares?... not that I ever cared 'bout that fact... it was just fun to write... now it's tedious... *shrug* oh well... I almost feel the same about reading anything other than short romance/fluffy-girliness novels... argh! what's wrong with me... I soo badly want to read what I used to be able to read... which was just about anything... mostly sci-fi/ fantansy... but, it's like I'm all excited 'bout the book... I pick it up, start to read it... and then, half way in, get bored and turn into a giggly-teenage girl and put it down... and the worst part is, that I'm not bored, I really want to read the book, but I can't... it's like, anything deeper than, say a puddle, is far to deep... my mind get's all airy and brainless as if it were drowning and not getting enough oxygen...
it's so damn annoying!!!... and here I go again... whining and making my life sound depressing... which is pathetic, 'cause it's really the complete opposite...
... speaking about it being the complete opposite... I Gots A New Baby Cousin!!!...heehee... he was born on Wednesday, his name is Keith, and I get to see him today... assuming of course, that I finish the hw that I'm putting off right now...
... lesse... what else is there to talk about... ...honnestly, it's sad... I never shut up... and here I'm having trouble thinking of what to say... meh... seems to happen everytime I have to write or type something... speaking is sooooo much more fun... 'cause, then people are
forced to listen... well... not necessarily... most of my friends and family have developed the amazing ability of being able to pretend that they're listening, while actually thinking of something completely different, such as what colour shoes they're gonna buy next time they go shopping... or how they really love that new tv show... not that I have a problem with that... I mean... It's not exactly as if
I actually listen to myself... my brain has usually gotten bored about two seconds into the "conversation" (if you want call it that... I usually do all of the talking...) and is off in some other dimension, trying to figure out how I'm gonna get my 20-somethingth meal of the day, and if the world is actually a hyperbolic paraboloid and not a sphere as they keep trying to make us believe... occaisionally, it comes back down to earth, and wonders if my mouth'll ever shut up so that it can get something intelligent in... like, say, asking the person I'm talking at whether or not they have any food...
*takes a breath and blinks as if coming out of a daze*
... okay... no clue where all of that came from... it seems that not only my mouth, but my hands as well, have a life of they're own... you people are just lucky that you are
not forced to read all of this... on the other hand... since you
are staring at this, I'm assuming that you
have read it... and are therefore insane... whether you were before, or are now because of my babbling, is a completely irrelevant fact... unless of course, it was my babbling that drove you insane, which would probably mean that you find it very relevant and will be trying to kill me the next time I see you... if that is the case, please post a comment so that I can know to place you in the same category as homework, and avoid you at all costs... also, try to remember that insanity is a great place to be, and that you should love, not hate the person who sent you there...
and now, I must get back to my work,
So long,
From The Ever-So-Whatever-ish,