Sunday, March 28, 2004

... "Yay" With The Non-Postage...

Uh... yeah... so... I haven't blogged in a while... um... funny... lot's has happened... I just can't be bothered to blog... in any case Happy very belated b-day to 'Livia... happy also belated b-day to my cousin Sarah-Beth... another happy belated B-day... this one to Sam... and last but not least... Happy Belated Birthday to... ALLY!!!...yay!!!... talk about frightening... I am now legally allowed to drive... me! - who can't see over the dashboard... ah well... funfun... the G1 test was absolutely and ridiculously easy... pathetically so...

... In other news, my skiing has improved drastically... I am now capable of skiing double black diamond glades in the Canadian Rockies... woohoo! go me!!!... my cousins and I skied them all week... I do not, however, even pretend to look good while skiing them... but hey... at least I can do them decently enough... *sigh*... what to say, what to say... my march break was awesome... I don't know how it couldn't be seeing as how my b-day pressie was a week long ski trip with my twin cousins to Panorama... *shakes head*... the skiing was sooo great... even if the locals found it a bit icy... meh... I hate powder anyways... though I have to admit... skiing Taynton Bowl (the powder bowl at Panorama) was fun...

... I don't think that there's much else to say... oh, wait... I got a Commended (70-80%) on my gr4 Jazz exam... yay... go me... I would have much preferred something higher... but seeing as how I had a sinus infection, an ear infection and absolutely no sense of balance - as in I actually fell over at one point and had a hell of a time turning... I'm very surprised that I even did that well... I personally thought I danced horribly... compared to how I usually dance anyways... and that I deserved a much lower mark... meh... whatever... the old CDTA Elementary jazz syllabus that we're doing now is deadly... extremely fun... but deadly all the same...

... Oh, yes... I know what else I forgot to mention... the Sunday I got back, Em tried to throw me a surprise party... I say tried because I've known about it almost as long as she has... well not known... suspected... but not really... just sort of... oh I don't think I can explain it... meh... anyways... as much as I hate birthday parties, or any party thrown in my honour, I had fun... I much prefer hosting the party... so long as it's not at my house... anyhow... in some ways it still turned out to be a surprise... Kimmerz was there, YAY!!!... that was a totally unexpected and delightful surprise...
yeah so... as far as big things in Ally's life go... I think the blog is pretty much up to date...