Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Birthday to me :)

Akk! well I believe I now officially qualify as old... 23? really? Where has all of the time gone??? lol. no really... I can't possibly have been on this planet for 23 years and *glances at clock* 146minutes already... longer really if you consider the time between me typing this and when it gets posted... longer too if you consider the approximately nine months I spent in utero (I really don't want to think about when exactly that would have started - blech). Of course then you get into all those existential debates over when someone becomes a person... not that it matters but surely in our society, given the emphasis placed on individualism this can't possibly be considered to have happened until after a child develops theory of mind (the corollary of this being of course that not only would abortion, but infanticide prior to such an event, be considered perfectly acceptable under current societal mores - ah, how right those Spartans were) Yikes! For a birthday post this has certainly taken a rather rapid morbid turn... It's probably fortunate there is little likelihood of children in my near future ;)

*shakes head* On to less socially awkward topics perhaps?? lol. let's see, what have I been up to since last posting? I should probably wish my Blog a very Happy 8th Birthday to start off with! I would share some of my birthday cake with it, but as it is... inanimate? can something which doesn't even exist outside of the neural circutry of of a computer system be considered inanimate?...I really do think the best solution for all is for me to just eat an extra piece in it's honour ;).

Right, and back to updates! Spent New Years Eve on my couch reading a teen novel and watching the CNTower do nothing particularly exciting. Best evening ever. After the craziness of last term it was wonderful to just relax and unwind and not have to be anywhere! (sorry to the four parties I skipped out on... ;) ), after that it was off to spend time with the family and finally get to visit with the newest addition - she's so cute! and has the best middle name to boot! Not that I'm biased in that opinion of course ;P - before getting a whole week off!!! lol. In truth January as a whole was fairly tame. A bit of going out here and there, time spent hanging out with friends :D, Ma's b-day. Got to spend some of my x-mas money on my annual shopping trip with Kat, did a lot of dance, decided to take up the static trapeze again alongside the silks (although only once a week - downsview is just too far away!), started playing soccer again... broke my hand... yes, I realise you are meant to play soccer with your feet :P. Last I checked however, people were also meant to kick the ball toward the net, not toward the defensive player standing right in front of them *wrinkles nose*. It was pretty funny really. I kept playing of course, but my hand ended up swelling up to three times its normal size (a bunch of the blood vessels on the back broke) and no one figured out it was broken until approximately 3 weeks later - well... I kinda suspected when it didn't hurt enough to be a sprain except for when it was vibrated slightly while on the streetcar or subway (yes, these are classic diagnostic tools :P) - but nothing showed up on the first x-ray and when I went to ask for a second a few days later, the doctor accidentally realigned everything while manipulating it, which made everything feel so much nicer! When I finally did end up getting the second set done it showed a break clear accros the waist of my scaphoid (in my right hand of course). Got a CT scan done which not only confirmed that one, but showed that I had also broken my 4th metacarpal... but that's okay because everything was in near perfect alignment with no bone loss *grins*. This was fortunate of course since by then it had already been about 5 weeks (the results accidentally got sent to London, On...) and I never bothered to get it casted.... still haven't... I went back to doing circus the week after I injured it, have gone on two skiing weekends and have been playing soccer and dancing throughout! *grins even wider* I can even do pushups! (with my hands in fists) though handstands and cartwheels and kneehangs on the silks with only my right hand holding are still out of the question.

lol, but yeah. February was fun. I had initially booked most of it off work in order to get my MRP done for early graduation but ended up using the time off to dance, play soccer, actually go out clubbing, attend doc's appts and organise skiing trips instead. Kat's bday was fun, apparently I've been in a relationship for quite some time and only just found out about it? *raises eyebrows inquiringly* Omg, lol. we did two skiing long weekends up at the chalet with a bunch of the old woburn crew. Sooo much fun! *shakes head* the first one was all boys plus amy and i. the second was a bit more rounded out (and by that I mean 4 girls 15 guys...) so you can imagine how that went :D. *shakes head* Soo great. We will definitely do another get-together in the summer :). On the second trip up I even survived four days straight of langan's company ;P - thanks for driving!... and carrying my poles ;) and I got to see Evan, and Alan, and em :D:D:D! :D. I forgot how much I'd missed you guys- all of you guys, not just the aforementioned ones!!! It was great, the conditions were amazing and even some who weren't skiing came up just to hang out so it was pretty awesome!!! Ooh! I also got to see the Ballet Trokadero de Monte Carlo (the all male troupe that performs on pointe) with em and Ju which was hilarious! It was also in the Winter Garden Theatre which I'd never been to before and is absolutely stunning!!! I'd love to go back! I seemingly also (wow, that's a lot of 'also's in one paragraph! ) used the time to become addicted to the BBC version of Merlin and watched the entire three seasons over the span of about a week. Sooo adorable *grins* merlin-aurthur interaction makes me so happy. I've decided Devon's Merlin and I'm Arthur. Minus the fact that I like to do most of the cleaning... but that's only a minor detail... as is the fact that Devon has still not used her magical powers in my presence (she claims it's because I can't yet know she has said magical powers) but one step at a time. And no, we are not crazy :P. Living in our house is just a special kind of adventure :D. March has also been pretty good to me, some interesting weather lately, but I got to see El while she was in town last weekend, and went for cake with David on Thursday while he was here *coughs* though I'm still wondering how he was in the country for two weeks and I only saw him once *looks around suspiciously* Saw the Kirov/Mariinsky perform Swan Lake with Papa and Esperanza last week - it was phenomenal!!! So incredibly good. The whole company was nearly impeccably in time and Uliana Lopatkina was dazzling (not that you'd expect anything else!) But yeah, stunning!!! I really can't decide between them and the Bolshoi. Then only solution clearly is to just see more of both ;)! Then yesterday was Linna's welcome home party (Yay! Linna's back :D!) Where I got to see everyone (with a few added and some taken away ;) ) again! and Mrs B even convinced Mrs Mo to come for a surprise visit :D!!! This week was Don Q with ma. Fortunately casting was changed at the last minute and we got Sonia Rodrigues. She was so dead on, particularly in the last act. It was so lovely and breathtaking to see! Though not the awkwardly long 16count balance in attitude. What was that about? That was just mean! So, yeah, I suppose that brings us up to now :P

I Suppose I'd have to say 2011 has been pretty good so far. Started out slow, but it has definitely picked up. It's also been really interesting to be able to watch all of the uprisings in the middle east through the lens of my friends who are there - I am very glad all of you are still safe! Hopefully it will stay on in this vein? Aiming to see Onegin with Linna next week, and then it's Russian mixed program with Devon the week after :). Hopefully I'll be able to get decently priced tickets to Billy Elliot, ooh! and cirque's Totem when it comes!

I'm sure there's more and that I'm forgetting but it's just reached 1 am and I am starting to yawn so it should probably off to bed with me! Muchos love to all and to all a good night/year/life! A la prochaine!