Thursday, December 29, 2011

Updates :)

... ... ... lol, I'm not really sure where to start on this one, I've been meaning to do an update for quite some time now, but somehow the time to do so just keeps slipping away - leaving me sitting here typing, of course, at 1am on a night where I might actually have had the opportunity to catch up on some sleep :P. Ah well, no time like the present :)

So as many of you have probably guessed or are aware, I am no longer in Asia and have not been for quite some time now (several months at least). The trip was amazingly lovely and I definitely recommend checking out the links posted below for more detailed updates on what I got up to while I was gone. Suffice it to say that I had an incredible host family (thank you so much!) and made tons of new friends from all around the globe. Also, the food was absolutely unforgettably delicious *grins* I could definitely go back just too eat. The cultural monuments and breathtaking scenery was nothing to scoff at either - but the food? Mmmmm. Just so good.

I managed to extend my trip into early September before I had to come home and begin sorting out plans for the future. Spent the rest of that month working at Indigo, catching up with friends in the city, continuing to enjoy my pool and returning to dance and circus classes - boy was that return a bit painful. As a note, I don't recommend picking the hardest class in the city as your first one after a month off, but then, I've never been known for my smarts ;).

Towards the end of the month I somehow managed to squeeze an entire 150hour TESOL course into a week and a half while continuing to work and catch up with friends. Good thing too, as shortly thereafter I wound up with not one or two, but three part time jobs! Needless to say, the next two months were spent largely running from one job to another with the odd dance or circus class thrown in  as I was working nearly full time on a market research project, part time at the bookstore and tutoring students on the side. I can't really complain too much. I chose to keep all three jobs and, while working 84hrs over 7 days a week does get tiring, I thoroughly enjoyed working all three of them *smiles contentedly*.

Somehow I also managed to fit in Rosh Hashanah with Jess's family which was as delicious and festive as events with her family always are (thank you for inviting me!), the CNTower stair climb with the Brat, Tri, Robert and Zia Diana which was great, Opera Atelier's production of Don Giovanni with Devon and Jess - verdict? Hilariously awesome. The production was phenomenally done. The score itself beautiful - Mozart always is. I loved the way they fit the comedic lines into the music. The plot however... well... it was an opera, let's leave it at that, Cirque du Soleil's Totem (also with Jess) - soo good! The double trapeze act was unbelievable and I loved the clowns!!!. I also saw the National's production of Ratmansky's new Romeo and Juliet with Papa - it was absolutely fantastic! I may even prefer it to Cranko's version. Scratch that, I do! Loved it. Especially the end. We had Greta and Aleksander dancing and Papa couldn't believe that they were as old as they were. So beautifully done. I also managed to somehow graduate during that time (on November 11th too) and finally managed to get tickets for Ma, Papa, Nonna and Nonno which was great! There was also yummy food involved in that as my graduation gift from my Nonni included jewlery, half a coffee cake and a homemade Salami - I love being half Italian!  Akk! And how could I have almost forgotten!    That day was made extra special by the fact that I managed to get last minute tickets for Em H, Linna, Jen and myself to go see the Alberta Ballet's production of Love Lies Bleeding based on the music and life of Elton John. OMG, soo unbelievably good!!!!! Very very very unabashedly gay, and sooo sooo sooo good! The dancing, as always, was spectacular, and I just love Jean Grand-Maitre's choreography! It makes you just want to get up there on stage and dance with them, such great lines. The highlight though, was definitely Yukichi Hattori's portrayal of the Elton Fan *shakes head in disbelief* He is one incredible, incredible dancer.

Things started to wind down mid December when most of my market research work came to an end and I was able to return to the more relaxed pace of Indigo at Christmas-time, several dance and circus classes a week and some tutoring work ;). *Contented sigh* Aw, Christmas. Totally my favourite time of year. I don't know how anyone can dislike Christmas music and all the lights and decorations everywhere. It's just so happy. And the food! There's always food at Christmas. And baking! I love baking. I made so many pumpkin/squash muffins this fall - and ate most of them too! Same goes for the apple-cranberry muffins I debuted (several times) earlier this month. Thankfully I can't say the same about all of my x-mas cookies 'cause I'm pretty sure I'd be a giant beach ball if I could. Baking was a little quieter this year with only my mom and Em B helping out. That's okay though 'cause I'd already managed to catch up with most everyone else and Em had lots to share having just returned from her 'round the world trip (so jealous)! December also included a great visit to Toronto by Henry W and his girlfriend Erika, over from England to visit with her fam. Had a great two days catching up and wandering about the city. I miss all you guys! More of you need to visit!!!

Christmas itself was great. Finally got to see the cousins again - on both sides! Papa was in Mexico for the actual event, but we went to brunch just before so all is good. and I guess that brings us up to now. Future plans include a woburn gifty reunion dinner tomorrow (or, rather, later today now that it's 2am) and then off to Blue with the lot of them for some skiing (hopefully... not too sure about that part, what, with the lack of snow :P) over the new years weekend!

Right so, time to get some of that sleep! A Happy New Year to all and to all a good night!

PS. Did I mention that I'm moving to Korea to teach in February? Well, I am. Also. I need to finish (read start and complete) a Bio course with Athabasca before then... ah well, that's what the new year's for ;)

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Ally is in Taiwan, you can follow her adventures here:
or here:

And We're Off!

I guess it's about time for a post eh? lol, that having been said, I think I'm still doing pretty well frequency wise :P.

Updates, updates... nothing too crazy to report since last postage.  The World Archaeological Congress was fun - presentation went well, met loads of great people (including some I would have met much earlier had I actually been on campus at all this year *looks shiftily innocent*, as well as experts in the field and, Vince, who I actually met a few years ago when he was in Oxford organising a Haida visit and repatriation!), had an awesome roommate (Yay, Athena!) and had a great time talking archaeology & ethics with museum people, archaeologists and indigenous communities members. Indianapolis is a cute little town (okay so it's technically a city but it's small and adorable so I'm calling it a town *wrinkles nose*. It's sleepy enough that the idea of a Saturday evening out entails driving in circles around the downtown core in old cars :P). Indianapolis is built around the White River. It oddly reminds me of Calgary actually - the centrality of the river, the largely flatness of the city, the 'skywalks' connecting all the buildings and - most wonderfully - the sheer amount of public art prettifying all the street corners :)!. It made me very happy - as did the Eiteljorg (pronounce Idle-georg) Museum. I definitely think the prettiest part of the city though was the canal walk area near the eiteljorg, and my favourite view was that looking along the canals toward the factory that dominates the skyline in one direction - weird I know but it's an oddly charming picture. In addition to getting to chill & go out (I forgot how much archaeologists liked to party :P) with great people, we also got free admission to the Indian Market festival, which was fun to see. And, because I stuck around for an extra morning, I managed to make it out to the Brickyard to check out the Indy 500 Motor Speedway - it's huge, there's even a golf course in the middle of it!!! The museum there is really cool, they have the chassis of all the former winners there so you can see the evolution of the Indy cars :). As it was a sleepy Sunday morning, I and a couple got to not only go on a 20 mile/hr (let me tell you how exciting that speed is, I swear I walk faster :P) ride around the track but, to check out the control tower, private event booth, garages and press room - control room was definitely my fav :).  After that it was a hop over to the airport (thank you hotel driver guy from the other hotel who wasn't supposed to drive me anywhere without payment but who, not only picked me up from the Brickyard, but drove me out to the airport for free!! You rock and deserve only good things in your life :)!) and back on over to Toronto - omg, possibly the best discovery of the trip??? How nicely they've done up the Detroit airport! So unexpected! Favourite part was the crazy psychedelic light-and-sound show in the kilometre long tunnel that you have to cross to switch terminals. Sooo Trippy!

Got about 4 days back in Toronto to get in some circus, dance, work and Spanish speech writing before it was off again to Mexico City with Papa for his wedding. It was lovely. The house there is stunning - so awesomely laid out! I also loved the way they did the banquet hall - so colourful!! And the food? To die for! it was soooo yummy. The Tamales, the empenadas, the tortillas, the meat, the chili, the dried mangoes in chili,  that cacao-y sauce they put on chicken that I can only remember the name of half the time :) Mmmm soooo good! Esperanza's family are all lovely as well, and it was fun to try and re-learn some Spanish while I was there - thank you so much Ximena for helping sort out that speech & being Papa's official wedding translator - You are so awesome! Also, so happy that all of Esperanza's family can and love to dance :D! Esperanza also took some time away from the preparations to take us out to see Teotihuacan. Soooo happy-making :D! I got to climb the pyramids of the moon and sun and just generally roam around for a morning - unfortunately it started to rain and Papa was getting hungry so I didn't make it over to the temple of the Quetzal, but that can be for next time *grins*. Also, it meant we got to eat in a cave and check out a traditional dancing performance that Ximena recomended :). Definitely a fun trip. I'd love to go back and see Mexico City proper. It just reminded me so much of northern Peru and the (loosely termed) house we lived in there. Weird how I feel so much more at home in those types of places than in hotels or nice houses... lol, probably scared that my natural clumsiness will cause me to break something if I'm in a place that's too nice ;).

After that it was once again back to good old T.O for some time spent enjoying the city and earning some form of income. Managed to finish up the last of my MRP and get moved into my place down on the harbourfront with Ju - we have an outdoor pool! It makes me so happy! and fell into the daily routine of dance-pool-work. Met up with the gifted girls as well as some of the scarborough crew. Saw Captain America which was awesome, went to the midnight opening of HP7.2  post-work with Jon, Emma & Jess - also awesome, so weird to think that an era which has pretty much spanned a good part of my life is over... *semi-sad face*... what else? Mostly I worked and danced a lot :P. I did get out to a few fringe shows this year and they were all awesome! Saw the one Alan was in which was hilarious, went along with Alan to see Through the Tulips which was excellent and managed to get tickets (after lining up an hour early on only the second night) to Kim's Convenience which was absolutely FANTASTIC - just impeccably written, timed and delivered, it was simultaneously incredibly moving while being laugh-out-load, bottom of the belly, gasping for breath funny. Soo good. I don't think I can emphasize how good it was but, basically, if you ever hear that it's being re-staged: Go! Oh, and let me know so that I can get tickets too :).

Saw Dream in High Park's Winter's Tale a few weeks ago while being background support for em during the launching of her non-for-profit Intermission... it was okay, there were good and bad parts. Not bad over all but not excellent either. An absolutely fantastic show was Billy Elliot, which Jess, Spaghetti, Tri, Robert, Nal and I all saw last night. Soo good. A bit slow in the beginning, but boy did it pick up. Something I would definitely go see again :). The kids, especially the little boy and the one that plays Michael, are just phenomenal! The one who played Billy was excellent too - our Billy was more of a dancer than a singer, still excellent though! Many of the girls are also wonderful dancers - they don't necessarily get to show it on stage but the ones I've seen in class have all been really good! It's on for four more weeks and there are loads of discount codes floating about, so for those interested I recommend you go :).

And that brings us up to now! Which leads me back to the title of this blog post - I'm running off again :D! This time to Taiwan for the(ir/ Republic of China's) Centennial Celebrations. It's all very exciting. I get to do a homestay, travel around taiwan, blog about what I see and eat and then meet the President/attend the formal celebrations. Long story as to why and how, I am sure I will get into it at some point but yeah, for now you can follow my trip here (there will be pictures!):

Hope you enjoy, updates will come once I am back. For now, I am off to pack - I leave tomorrow morning so I really need to get on that ;)!

In a brief (long) break from packing Ju and I watched Transformers 2. This reminded me that I also recently saw Transformers 3 - henceforth known as The Film Which Does Not Exist (TFWDNE). What the heck were they thinking??? On what planet would the movie Sam and McKayla break up??? Having just rewatched the second one, I'm pretty sure she loved him for him :P. I realise that they break up in the original cannon, but let's face it, they changed enough for the movies that they didn't need to be worried about that. I might not resent it quite so much if the new female could act, was anywhere near as hot as Megan Fox or had some personality, but she fails in all three points - ugh! She's just such a useless female. And the banter sucked! the whole point of those movies were the explosions, transformations, awesome banter and the hotness of Megan Fox doing traditionally male things - not having a wimpering useless female who does nothing but look spotless. Urgh. She didn't do anything helpful!!! and she was horrible for Sam's character! He's always been pathetic, but now he was both pathetic and pugnacious - it was almost as though with McKayla gone they had to find someone to fill in those shoes. *wrinkles nose in extreme displeasure*. As you can tell this upset me greatly. To the point where her lack of a character ruined the movie to such a degree that not even the ridiculousness of sector 7 guy could dig it out. Hence the fact that it is TFWDNE. okay... I'm done now...

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Tales of Posting and Alice

Wow! This must be some kind of record! Three - no, wait! - four posts from me in almost as many days is a frequency of postage unheard of since my earliest years as a blogger - I must be getting young again ;P!

Anyhow, I figured as I have the time (not really :P) and the desire (more of the reason) I should do my post on Alice now :). WOW! is all I have to say. I'm not usually the biggest fan of Alice in Wonderland. I don't particularly like the story, the movies or anything else related to it. It's just a bit too weird, darkly undertoned and drug trip-y for my tastes. I also saw the English National Ballet perform the Derek Deane's version a few years ago and wasn't that impressed. The new version choreographed by Christopher Wheeldon for the Britain's Royal Ballet and our National though - Stunning! So well done. The story arc he worked out with Nicholas Wright was perfect, linking all the pieces together and allowing everything to really come to life. The sets and costumes were often just right, with an interesting use of the digital projection (funny, while I really liked the mixed media sets in Fumbling toward Ecstasy and Ma really liked their use here, I found it oddly distracting at times, though understandably necessary in portraying falls down holes...). Mostly though, I think it was the story, linking the real Alice from the 1800s and Lewis Carroll to the characters in the story, and further to the readers who enjoy it even today, that made me happiest. That being said. The dancing was phenomenal! I really enjoyed the choreography, but Jillian Vanstone really brought it to life as Alice (I was so impressed with her!! That role must have been exhausting. She never got to stop!! She is quickly becoming my favourite of the newer crop of girls), and Greta Hodgkinson just did a perfect job as the red queen - she managed to be regal, terrifying and hilarious all rolled into one. you could tell how much she was enjoying herself there. So great. Jiri Jelinek also did a wonderful job as the caterpillar and Aleksander Antonjevic was brilliant as the white rabbit! Rex Harrington also did a great job coming out of retirement briefly to play the foppish king of hearts :). Favourite male role though? Hands down Robert Stephen as the Mad Hatter. I definitely lied when I said we had no incomming males. I'd forgotten a number of them had made an impression in Russian Seasons. Robert also caught my eye as Sancho Panza in Don Q - he was such a character. In Alice though, he proved that not only can he act and do ballet, but he is an excellent tapper! Yes, that's right, Tapper :D. Sooo much fun! overall verdict? A no brainer Go See It!!! It's on in Toronto until the 25th :).

Yupyup, other'n the fantastic-ness of that I haven't got much else to report (unsurprisingly ;) ). Though I did have a very dance-y weekend, spending Saturday out at Jess and Sophie's recital - which was great for the record! I think their tap numbers where my favourites of the show!

I also seem to be being assulted by Oxstalgia from all sides. Yuka's show, which apparently went well was last weekend, X-men was filmed in Hertford and, the setting for Alice - Christ Church of course! It didn't really hit me hard at the beginning, when it was 1862 Oxford, but the end made me miss it for sure!

Anyhow, plans for the next little bit consist of getting a bunch of stuff done before heading off to Indianapolis for the WAC congress next week and then Mexico the week after. More posting to come when I actually have something to report again. Much love!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Calgary Continued

After playing about in Drumheller on the Friday,  we decided to stick around in Calgary on the Saturday and take in the Glenbow Museum before catching the matinee of the Alberta Ballet's production of Fumbling Toward Ecstasy (the new ballet choreographed by Jean Grand-Maitre to the music of Sarah McLachlan)  - such a great day! I'm not usually the biggest fan of any museum that's not of the natural history variety (i.e. ones that do not contain mostly bones and stones) but the Glenbow has got to be one of the best I have ever seen!!! I was told by a number of people I had to go, and boy were they right! The layout is well thought out, the displays tasteful, engaging and informative in a fun way that allows you to actually experience what they are trying to portray rather than just see it in a blank case. Loved the Canadian History and Indigenous sections. Honestly, why could we not just have spent our youth in there learning history rather than in class??? :P Seriously though. So well done :). Fumbling Toward Ecstasy was also excellent. Many of the pieces were mostly made up of variations on a theme, but the steps just looked like so much fun and the movements so athletic that you wanted to see them again and again! Definitely worth seeing if they take it on tour!

Sunday was a bit more of a relaxed day (as is fitting for mother's day - though in our case ma took advantage of our lazy morning to get work done *shakes head*). Went out for a bit of a wander to see more of the city - did you know that Calgary has foot placings on their air vents so that you don't get your heels stuck?? Such a good idea! They look like these jumbo massive foot prints :D - Before heading off to the Saddle Dome to catch the Stars on Ice tour. Omg, it was soooo good. Kurt Browning was there (of course!), Jeffery Buttle (He's so adorable - definitely the next Kurt Browning ;) ), Shawn Sawyer (and his inimitable standing centre splits), Sasha Cohen, Jamie Sale and David Pelletier (they were so in synch! It's so hard to believe they are no longer a couple), Joannie Rochette, Evan Lysachek, Kyoko Ina and last, but not least, Tessa Virtue & Scott Moir!!!! We got the tickets not knowing they were going to be there (worlds were the week before after all) and then found out they'd joined the tour the show before. Sooo happy I got to see them live!!! Scott looked a little worn but all in all they were just breathtakingly amazingly ... there are just no words, they were so good!!! They did a slightly altered version of their long program from worlds and another of their gala piece and let me tell you, if they'd skated like that the week before they might have beat Davis & White even with it having been their first comp this season. <3<3<3! I just love them all so much!!! and the group piece was a bunch of Jive numbers! Never been happier!! (How is Tessa such a phenomenal dancer??? I mean I'm glad she stuck with skating but the dance world is missing out! and Scott! *shakes head*). And Sasha, Kurt and David also did this wonderful clowning piece with a balloon. Love. Needless to say, I was on cloud nine for the rest of the day (week) and still am whenever I think about it :). My mom may have gotten slightly sick of hearing me repeat 'they were just sooo good!' after the 20thousandth time... she started to respond with 'I know, I was there too...' ;). *sighs happily* I also got to try bison pastrami that night, which is delicious btw, before heading off back to T.O in the morning so I could make it to circus on time.

After that it was a week to sort my self out before heading back to the grind of writing. At that point Devon had moved out (I miss you!), So I fell into my lovely writing, dance, work, writing rhythym and managed to get a great deal done before moving to my parents floor on the last weekend in May. The last weekend in May also happened to be the circus student show (which I was not in, but did get to see), Brokeh. It was fantastic! John's rope act was wonderful despite my having seen it repeatedly by that point (any time he started to practice I'd stop whatever I was doing and watch no matter what position I was in). Libby and Mary Margaret's hoop act was also lovely, but I think the kids my have stolen the show! there was a triple trapeze act and one with three on separate trapezes. The best though were five young girls on the mobile together which was just incredible. So in synch and visually stunning!!!

And that brings us up to now. Gotta run, have tickets to see Alice with ma tonight and don't wanna miss the talk! More on that later I am sure!

And so comes the crash... (with more updates included ;) )

ugh, you know that exhausted, worn feeling you get after... well, exhausting yourself? *nods* yup.
 I definitely need more sleep than I've been getting. I think my body is rebelling at the absence of adrenaline, sooo tired *yawns*. Speaking of Adrenaline, did you know it was the first hormone to be identified? Way back in 1895? Yupyup. Strange how the body works, I was so excited coming off the post-finishing/finding out I was going to Taiwan high that I began planning extra side trips left, right and centre... now I'm just feeling so drawn that I'm too tired to make attempts to sort everything through and stressed that they won't pan out! Enough about that tho - more on updates instead :). 

Right, so *does a quick peek backwards to see where see left off in terms of actual proper updates * what? March? Oh dear, sorry about that one! (lol. Not that, I'm sure, anyone is suffering too much from not having been updated on the mundanities (nope, not a word. yes, it's staying right where it is ;) ) of my life over the last few months). *Quickly runs to grab calendar to remind herself what she's been up to. yes. she is that old* I did wind up seeing Onegin with Linna and her mum. It was lovely. The new sets and costumes were rather neat and the second and third acts were just amazing! In terms of comparison with the old one, I have to say that while I loved the costumes and thought the set for the first act was really interesting (in a good way!), there is something to be said for the simple romantic country feel of the old one. I also saw Rex Harrington the last time (though Aleksander Antonjevic and Piotr Stanczyk did a phenomenal job, particularly in the third act) so that was a lot to live up to. His ballet talk before this performance was just adorable too! The Mixed Russian Program was also quite lovely... well barring Apollo which, while danced quite well and choreographed by my favourite choreographer, remains my least favourite ballet of all time. Symphony in C was well done (though, of course, did not quite match up to the Bolshoi's rendering of it ;) - I'm not sure how I feel about a number of the younger female dancers who are being promoted in the company... hmmm... I will have to keep watching. And what's up with our huge lack of incoming males? ) *sighs happily* I  just love Balanchine's choreography though. It was Devon's first ever ballet and she quite liked it too I am happy to report :D. Russian Seasons by Alexi Ratmansky was really good. I loved the colours (minus the little box hats all the women were wearing... very odd...) and choreography. So well done. A nice blend of modern balletic styles with the feeling of classical. I was initially worried when I heard that the National was putting on new modern-style Romeo & Juliet next season but now that I know Ratmansky's the choreographer I'm really excited to see it. This one was very contemporary without feeling in anyway disjointed. Loved it :).

Hmmm... what else have I seen lately? Ooh, got tickets to Calendar Girls with Jess, Devon and Tacha for Jess' birthday. Thoroughly enjoyable :).Some of the accents slipped a few times but overall very well done and highly recommended. Also saw Alan Shonfield int the Scarborough Players Production of Much Ado - I love that play! Definitely my fav Shakespeare comedy. It was well done and definitely good value for money. Also Alan, you make a wonderful drunk ;). Other than that, spent most of April dancing, circus-ing, seeing the fam for Easter, working at Indigo and marking papers - with a little bit of writing fitted in on the side. I will not mention the election other than to say... well... it'll be interesting to see how well our country's reputation survives. Just remembering what 8 years of Bush jr did to that of the States makes me shudder.  

Best part of April though was definitely the visit from the French branch of the family. I got to host the girls at my place and the rest at my parents just across town. It was loads of fun to have them here :). Also, the return to full fledged French immersion for the week was great mental exercise for my brain - completely shot my ability to speak english at work the day after they left though! Got Ma to help me take them on a tour of the old parts of the city - which by their standards was brand spanking new of course. Went up the CNTower, explored ChinaTown and Queen street, headed out to Niagara for the day - where we not only got to go behind the falls - Thank you Fabien - and stay for the light show in the evening but, met up with a troop of Star Wars re-enactors who had a real working R2 unit with them!!! So awesome!!!. Met up with the rest of the family for the day on the Sunday and had a blast playing bop-it and introducing the French cousins to Rummy-cube (to which our family is addicted and at which we are uber competitive). Apparently they are now training so we can have a real tournament next time they come back to visit ;). And just generally had a great time :D. Can't wait until either they come back or I make it over to Normandy for a visit.

Had a crazy few weeks there as I went back to work for two days right after they left before I took off to visit Ma in Calgary for mother's day. This was my first time back there when it wasn't winter in about 12-15yrs so it was rather nice to get to see the city again. It really is beautiful and there are so many art and culture initiatives that it's hard not to get jealous - Mayor Rob Ford take note, you can be conservative and cultured - who knew?! So many awesome things got packed into that weekend that I couldn't even choose a best part to that trip if I had to! Headed out to Drumheller and the badlands on the Friday (the town looks exactly like the one in Pixar's Cars. No joke. I couldn't stop laughing) to see the dinosaur museum - Dinosaurs :D!!! The collections at the Royal Tyrell Museum are incredible and soo well presented. I loved all of the displays and the fact that many were interactive. Plus, Dinosaurs! The badlands themselves are pretty awesome too. We got to go for a wander and the geology is just wonderful. Multicolored layers of chalk, ironstone, coal and shale set against the backdrop of a cotton-puff cloud sky. The drive up to it is really impressive too. It looks this massive rend in the patchwork quilt of the prairies that just comes out of nowhere. So cool to see. We also went on a bit of a hunt and managed to track down some mini-hoodoos. Nothing like the size of those in the Grand Canyon or Cappadocia but very cute all the same!

Uh oh! Time to head off to ballet. More on Calgary later!

Thursday, June 09, 2011

DONE!!! :D - And the Promised Update

Guess what??? Guess what???  (you know what the best part of this moment right here is??? That I have so much to say and so many updates to do that I could put nearly anything right here *grins* and so many exciting ones too!... hmmm... I suppose I could start every paragraph of this post off with a wondrous thing I have to tell... but that seems overly complicated... and I don't think I could possibly decide what should come first! ... also, as it's getting pretty late and I'm pretty low on sleep (thank you crazy-writing adrenaline!... also sleeping on a mattress on my parents floor in a (teeny-tiny, I might add) room which, in addition to having an absolutely stunning view of the city & lake Ontario (sooo gorgeous!), gets the early morning sun *shakes head*), I'm not sure how coherent this post would wind up actually being. Example, my brain just got very excited about the fact that I used brackets, in brackets, inside brackets! And then proceeded to view my sentence like the math equation it isn't. See, clearly time for bed. :P. ... but not before some updates of course (wouldn't want to leave you hanging! I now how nasty cliffhangers can be ;) ) <--- Oooh, more brackets! <--- teehee! on a complete and utter side note, until last year I'd never realised just how fun putting in footnotes could be. Nor how addicting... I totally just spent a good number of seconds trying to figure out where the footnote button was so I could put the previous comment as one *shakes head* clearly writing has gotten to me... also, I am such a nerd!  - right! definitely bed time! not only has this digression taken on a terrifyingly expansive life of it's own, but I'm sure anyone reading it right now is pitying themselves horribly. Or they stopped reading it. Either way, I sound like I'm fourteen again - not a bad prospect to be sure - ahh, to be as young as once we were and smell the flowers of youth! - okay then... I'm not even gonna pretend I know where that one came from *shakes head and takes a moment to allow the slightly more lucid portion of her brain to regain control* )

I finished writing :D!!!! Well, I still have to edit, and write the presentation for the conference later this month. But those shouldn't take too long and other than that I am good and finished *grins widely*. lol, you'd think I had been writing for far longer than a month and a bit with the amount of weight that feels like it's been lifted off my shoulders! Still though, I did spend nearly every waking hour (and many of the sleeping ones) not spent at work or at dance typing non-stop (and my hand keeps spasming because of it too! Funny, one would think circus-ing on it right after having broken it would cause it to react far more than would typing... that having been said, I have been doing an awful lot of it :P!) But it was soo worth it :). I just love it when something wants out of your head so badly that it basically writes itself (oh, great, now I sound like I have an alien occupying my skull...). All 20,000words/80pgs of itself that is - phew! Seriously though, I'd forgotten how calming it was to wake up absurdly early in the morning type until noon, dance, shower, work, come home type until two, sleep for a few hours and repeat... such a soothing rhythm... until of course you crash... but that is totally allowed once you've finished ;). *Sighs* I love living. ... I hafta say, writing at my parents place up on the 17th floor (really 16th... what is up with people's total fear of the number 13 anyhow? It's just such a lovely number! and good luck too. Not to mention my birth date :D - yeah, yeah, I know. Not helping :P) with all the windows/sliding glass doors open and the sounds of the city floating in is in no way bad either!

But yeah, all of this self directed learning has definitely made me pine for Oxford. That and the nice weather. Oh how I'd love to be a-lounging on the quad lawn! (With all of my England people of course!) That way I might have a tan too :P. Sooo pasty (for me) due to an extended & rainy spring and my sequestering during this productive time. Speaking of Oxstalgia (yes that's a word. no you wont find it in a dictionary. yes I made it up...), you know what else brings it on? X-men! Saw it on Sat with Devon, Tacha & Jess and I have to say it was pretty good. I still prefer Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart of course. But they are a little hard to beat ;). *shakes head* If only I'd know that door into NBQuad from under the bridge that was forever locked was locked because it contained a space-time portal leading into a KA-like pub! Just think of the potential for study! Also... darnit! Why weren't the mutants there when I was??? ;)

Possibly more exciting than x-men though (what could be more exciting than x-men you ask? well.. I have to admit I'm kinda excited for Transformers 3.. no Megan Fox though so... oh... that wasn't what you were asking...), and arguably more exciting that the fact that I've finished writing (if you are anyone but me that is), is that I AM GOING TO TAIWAN IN AUGUST :D!!!!! I'm one of two Canadian youth, joining two youths from another approximately 124 countries, headed to the RoC to participate in a Homestay celebrating their Centennial - soo excited!!! You can bet I will be Blogging about and uploading loads of photos of  my experiences there :). More details to come but I will definitely have a (non-rambling) travel blog up and running before I go in which will be documented all of the adventures, cultural forays and food discoveries that come my way. Prominently placed link will go up sometime soon, so keep an eye out for that!

And with that, I am off to bed!
Until the morning, when I will endeavor to provide some actual, and possibly even coherent, updates ;).

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

So much for that...

lol! Well then, looks like I'm not hiatus-ing in order to finish up my master's research project-writing after all. Unfortunately, while I would love to do an update, writing that particular paper is still top priority... which means this is more just a short break during which I allow the hyperactive part of my brain to ponder some inanities so that the other half of my brain can actually get to work sorting out what I am meant to be doing ;).... ...
who knew that was all I had to type for it to work? and to think I was about to go on a long flowery digression about how I can't seem to focus when its raining out... hmmm... right. mental note, next time there is no work being done, type a sentence about dividing your mind and discussing inanities :P.
 And back to work we go!
much love.

Too much to Write, So little Time!

Akkk! Sorry guys! I know I said I'd do an update but I've been working on finishing up my thesis/at indigo non-stop since the family left/I got back from Calgary! I promise I will do an update as soon as I get this finished (which hopefully means sometime in the very not-too-distant future :D). Keep well until then :)!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Spring Reawakenings

My apologies for the constantly shifting state of the blog at the moment! I figured that after 8 years it was probably time to update the formatting (I know it's a bit cluttered, I'll be playing around and working on fixing that whenever I have time in between work,work,dance and school over the next few months) ...  Spring just always seems to awaken a cleaning-organizational frenzy in me that knows no bounds! Finding ways to avoid thesis-work has nothing to do with it, I assure you ;).

Truly though, it seems to happen with the first appearance of a warm summer sun (which admittedly disappeared again somewhere in amongst the snow, hail and rain that mysteriously returned this past weekend :P). I suddenly need to be even tidier than my normally-OCD-ish habits. I scrub down the house, have an overwhelming urge to get rid of anything superfluous - an urge which usually runs afoul of my equally strong tendency toward pack-rat-ishness - I go through all my emails, clean out my computer files and, now, apparently revamp my blog!
It's actually rather funny to sit back and watch the two parts of myself fight it out. There's just something incredibly satisfying about shedding all those unnecessary gizmo's, gadgets, old clothes and unused objects. It's lightening and relaxing in a way I can't quite describe. It's almost as though you're somehow magically relieved of any unwanted burdens. Living with the very basic stuff you need and one or two keepsakes is just so freeing - part of what I love about backpacking I suppose. And yet, at the same time, there's something so heartbreaking about giving up something that's been with you through experience after experience, holding all the memories that have somehow become buried under the weight of fresh info in your brain... loosing that can just be so devastating. Particularly when whatever gets lost is gone before you're ready - before you've come to terms with those memories or found some other vessel to contain them (yes mother, I'm looking at you and that time you threw out my yellow duck when I was 5)...

That was one of the great things about living abroad for so long. Having only what I needed there with me but knowing that all of my other stuff, my memories and my childhood keepsakes were held back here in Canada for me. At the same time it's funny how much stuff you can accrue without even intending to. Moving back from England I had that problem. I seem to be having it again now that I'm moving to a new place in a few months time (more on that later!). It's funny too how when you do come back, you realise that you don't really want all of that stuff. The memory of it is enough... that and knowing that it will continue to be loved elsewhere by someone else, or at least be put to use in some other way. In many ways having my parents move (again) while I was in Europe this past summer was hard because I felt like, once again, I was losing my base and my tether to who I was (there is definitely something to be said for having all of your stuff in one place or within easy access!) and, yet, when I came home and sorted through my stuff to determine what was staying with me downtown and what I would send up north, I realised that almost all of it was going to go up north, And, more importantly, that I didn't really want to have it here (with the exception of my books of course - those I always want nearby!). I wonder sometimes how much of my wanting to keep things is the archaeologist in me. Wanting to preserve things for future generations, so that my potential future kids and kids' kids can get an idea of what it was like to be me, to live in this time... silly really, my room up north almost already feels like a museum... and I'm wondering now if I should change it to be more in sync with me. Or should I leave it as a monument. There have actually been many times where the fact that I've kept things has proved useful. Still, something tells me I'm leaning more toward the former. Being me though, it's likely I'll find a way to combine both options ;). At any rate, I definitely want to do a clean out and sort through of all of my stuff when I move in the summer. Something to do with closing the academic chapter of my life? Certainly not the childhood one as I've no plans to grow up - nor the educational one as I've no plans to stop learning!

Strange... that's basically what this blog has become for me... A place where I can unload all of my experiences, unclutter my mind and leave it open and airy to make way for new things without losing any of the old. It's also in many ways just as much a monument to nostalgia as is my museum of a room up north. Reading back over previous blog posts is great not only because it reminds me of what I've done, but how I thought, who I was, and how I've become who I've become. It's great to see the ways in which I and my perspectives have changed, not changed, reverted and fluctuated over the years (a bit vain I realise, but also very humbling in that it shows both the good and the bad).

I'm sorry, not sure what prompted the philosophical leanings and introspection of this post (ugh! but looking at the language you can tell I've been in the academic world for far too long! Hopefully the next post wont be so bad!). I do seem to go off like this whenever I encounter a milestone event (and yes, by that I do mean yet another graduation :P) don't I?  I guess it just means that change prompts introspection in the same way that spring prompts cleaning ;).

From a practical perspective, in addition to rearranging the furniture (so to speak) and changing the background, I updated the links on my side bar - they're all fantastic sites and you should check them out if you haven't already!
I do have some life updates to post about (such as the move mentioned in passing above). Nothing too exciting though as I've now been in the country doing the same thing for approximately a year (can you believe that this time last year I was on my way back over to Europe? *sighs* Not that I don't love Toronto, because I do. I love nearly everything about it, from the uber polite and friendly people to those somewhat grumpy ones who still apologize, from the charming little pockets of downtown, to the lake, the sky scrapers and our wonderful parks. Still, I'm just not the type to stay in one place forever... and ten months is beginning to feel nearly that long! Fortunately I'm off to Calgary in a few weeks to visit ma who is working out that way and then off to Indianapolis (of all places) in late June for a conference, so I suppose I can't really complain ;P)  Anyhow, boring or not, I will do an update all the same ;)! That being said, I am, unfortunately, going to be late for work (in addition to having a very burnt omelet for lunch) if I don't stop blogging soon!

More updates to come, I promise!
Happy Passover/Easter/any other holidays I am missing!

Monday, March 14, 2011

Happy Birthday to me :)

Akk! well I believe I now officially qualify as old... 23? really? Where has all of the time gone??? lol. no really... I can't possibly have been on this planet for 23 years and *glances at clock* 146minutes already... longer really if you consider the time between me typing this and when it gets posted... longer too if you consider the approximately nine months I spent in utero (I really don't want to think about when exactly that would have started - blech). Of course then you get into all those existential debates over when someone becomes a person... not that it matters but surely in our society, given the emphasis placed on individualism this can't possibly be considered to have happened until after a child develops theory of mind (the corollary of this being of course that not only would abortion, but infanticide prior to such an event, be considered perfectly acceptable under current societal mores - ah, how right those Spartans were) Yikes! For a birthday post this has certainly taken a rather rapid morbid turn... It's probably fortunate there is little likelihood of children in my near future ;)

*shakes head* On to less socially awkward topics perhaps?? lol. let's see, what have I been up to since last posting? I should probably wish my Blog a very Happy 8th Birthday to start off with! I would share some of my birthday cake with it, but as it is... inanimate? can something which doesn't even exist outside of the neural circutry of of a computer system be considered inanimate?...I really do think the best solution for all is for me to just eat an extra piece in it's honour ;).

Right, and back to updates! Spent New Years Eve on my couch reading a teen novel and watching the CNTower do nothing particularly exciting. Best evening ever. After the craziness of last term it was wonderful to just relax and unwind and not have to be anywhere! (sorry to the four parties I skipped out on... ;) ), after that it was off to spend time with the family and finally get to visit with the newest addition - she's so cute! and has the best middle name to boot! Not that I'm biased in that opinion of course ;P - before getting a whole week off!!! lol. In truth January as a whole was fairly tame. A bit of going out here and there, time spent hanging out with friends :D, Ma's b-day. Got to spend some of my x-mas money on my annual shopping trip with Kat, did a lot of dance, decided to take up the static trapeze again alongside the silks (although only once a week - downsview is just too far away!), started playing soccer again... broke my hand... yes, I realise you are meant to play soccer with your feet :P. Last I checked however, people were also meant to kick the ball toward the net, not toward the defensive player standing right in front of them *wrinkles nose*. It was pretty funny really. I kept playing of course, but my hand ended up swelling up to three times its normal size (a bunch of the blood vessels on the back broke) and no one figured out it was broken until approximately 3 weeks later - well... I kinda suspected when it didn't hurt enough to be a sprain except for when it was vibrated slightly while on the streetcar or subway (yes, these are classic diagnostic tools :P) - but nothing showed up on the first x-ray and when I went to ask for a second a few days later, the doctor accidentally realigned everything while manipulating it, which made everything feel so much nicer! When I finally did end up getting the second set done it showed a break clear accros the waist of my scaphoid (in my right hand of course). Got a CT scan done which not only confirmed that one, but showed that I had also broken my 4th metacarpal... but that's okay because everything was in near perfect alignment with no bone loss *grins*. This was fortunate of course since by then it had already been about 5 weeks (the results accidentally got sent to London, On...) and I never bothered to get it casted.... still haven't... I went back to doing circus the week after I injured it, have gone on two skiing weekends and have been playing soccer and dancing throughout! *grins even wider* I can even do pushups! (with my hands in fists) though handstands and cartwheels and kneehangs on the silks with only my right hand holding are still out of the question.

lol, but yeah. February was fun. I had initially booked most of it off work in order to get my MRP done for early graduation but ended up using the time off to dance, play soccer, actually go out clubbing, attend doc's appts and organise skiing trips instead. Kat's bday was fun, apparently I've been in a relationship for quite some time and only just found out about it? *raises eyebrows inquiringly* Omg, lol. we did two skiing long weekends up at the chalet with a bunch of the old woburn crew. Sooo much fun! *shakes head* the first one was all boys plus amy and i. the second was a bit more rounded out (and by that I mean 4 girls 15 guys...) so you can imagine how that went :D. *shakes head* Soo great. We will definitely do another get-together in the summer :). On the second trip up I even survived four days straight of langan's company ;P - thanks for driving!... and carrying my poles ;) and I got to see Evan, and Alan, and em :D:D:D! :D. I forgot how much I'd missed you guys- all of you guys, not just the aforementioned ones!!! It was great, the conditions were amazing and even some who weren't skiing came up just to hang out so it was pretty awesome!!! Ooh! I also got to see the Ballet Trokadero de Monte Carlo (the all male troupe that performs on pointe) with em and Ju which was hilarious! It was also in the Winter Garden Theatre which I'd never been to before and is absolutely stunning!!! I'd love to go back! I seemingly also (wow, that's a lot of 'also's in one paragraph! ) used the time to become addicted to the BBC version of Merlin and watched the entire three seasons over the span of about a week. Sooo adorable *grins* merlin-aurthur interaction makes me so happy. I've decided Devon's Merlin and I'm Arthur. Minus the fact that I like to do most of the cleaning... but that's only a minor detail... as is the fact that Devon has still not used her magical powers in my presence (she claims it's because I can't yet know she has said magical powers) but one step at a time. And no, we are not crazy :P. Living in our house is just a special kind of adventure :D. March has also been pretty good to me, some interesting weather lately, but I got to see El while she was in town last weekend, and went for cake with David on Thursday while he was here *coughs* though I'm still wondering how he was in the country for two weeks and I only saw him once *looks around suspiciously* Saw the Kirov/Mariinsky perform Swan Lake with Papa and Esperanza last week - it was phenomenal!!! So incredibly good. The whole company was nearly impeccably in time and Uliana Lopatkina was dazzling (not that you'd expect anything else!) But yeah, stunning!!! I really can't decide between them and the Bolshoi. Then only solution clearly is to just see more of both ;)! Then yesterday was Linna's welcome home party (Yay! Linna's back :D!) Where I got to see everyone (with a few added and some taken away ;) ) again! and Mrs B even convinced Mrs Mo to come for a surprise visit :D!!! This week was Don Q with ma. Fortunately casting was changed at the last minute and we got Sonia Rodrigues. She was so dead on, particularly in the last act. It was so lovely and breathtaking to see! Though not the awkwardly long 16count balance in attitude. What was that about? That was just mean! So, yeah, I suppose that brings us up to now :P

I Suppose I'd have to say 2011 has been pretty good so far. Started out slow, but it has definitely picked up. It's also been really interesting to be able to watch all of the uprisings in the middle east through the lens of my friends who are there - I am very glad all of you are still safe! Hopefully it will stay on in this vein? Aiming to see Onegin with Linna next week, and then it's Russian mixed program with Devon the week after :). Hopefully I'll be able to get decently priced tickets to Billy Elliot, ooh! and cirque's Totem when it comes!

I'm sure there's more and that I'm forgetting but it's just reached 1 am and I am starting to yawn so it should probably off to bed with me! Muchos love to all and to all a good night/year/life! A la prochaine!

Saturday, January 01, 2011


Just wanted to say farewell to what was a thoroughly awesome and enjoyable 2010 and welcome in what I hope to be an equally great and amazing 2011!!!

Have a great one!